probiotics for rabbits

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2012
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virginia, usa
This AB/NZW cross doe that we have just seems to be slow growing and unthrifty. If she was a cow, goat, or sheep I would suspect coccidial damage. It seems as though she has bouts of soft pellets, we catch her eating her soft stools pretty often, the wierd version of cud-chewing that rabbits do. Seems to always be some stuck to the cage bottom no matter if she gets greens (she was being fed grass when we got her) or whole grains or commercial pellets or hay. If she was one of the livestock that I am more familiar with, I would give her some probiotics. Just wondering if they make any such thing for rabbits? I am sure that rabbits must have good bacteria in their guts, like everything else, and if they get out of whack bad things happen. Just wondering what could be wrong with her, she seems to be picking up a little, but four pounds at four months old is not hitting on too much. Maybe the guy meant to say Netherland Dwarf and New Zealand cross instead of American Blue and New Zealand cross.
As far as probiotics go, I suppose a healthy rabbit's fresh pellets should have good bacteria?

__________ Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:16 pm __________

I just did my math again and that should say four pounds at five months.(may to october)
Was told that old fashion oats are good for this. Plus I use wheat grass to stimulate appetite as well as helps with rabbits gut flora. The trace minerals in the wheat grass doesn't hurt one bit. I've never used probiotics. Hope I never have to.

I gave her some of the paste yesterday and so far she hasn't blown up. We always have some on hand for other critters, it's always a good picker upper after stress, antibiotics, injury etc. I am feeding a mixture of whole grains and pellets, so she is getting some oats, just not oatmeal, if that makes a difference. I noticed that she was ready to breed,nice and purple, but I didn't because she is only four pounds at five months old. Our buck is a 7 pound satin, my plan is to put her in after she is 6 months and if and when she hits 5 pounds. Are rabbits like other animals that grow faster when they are bred than if they weren't?

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