Pregnant doe dietary requirements

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Dec 25, 2015
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Hello, my doe (mini lop) is due to have her first litter she is on day 26. I tried to breed her before but turned out she wasn't pregnant. So i tried again but there was still no indication that she was pregnant... up until last night and i came home to a nice big nest! I threw some more hay in and she was carrying it around in her mouth eager to build. So i am confident enough she is ready pop any day soon.

I want to do everything right for her so is there anything else dietary wise that i should be giving her... she is only small so she has access to pellets all the time, aswel as hay and fresh water. She gets veg in the evening i feed her broccoli, pick her fresh grass, she also has a variety of other greens. I am worried because about 4 days ago i changed over pellets and she isn't eating as many as the last brand of food. Do i buy the other brand to make sure shes getting enough food or do i just leave her with the pellets she has. She scoffs the all of the veg and she gets plenty! Also should i add anything to her water to boost her up?
I'd suggest not changing brands of pellets during late pregnancy if at all possible!
If she is eating the other foods and just not the pellets, you can feed her more of that for now. He appetite willl probably pick back up once the kits are born.