possibly some good seed place links

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
i'm into WAYYYY too many things... and while skimming about on the permaculture forum i found links to 2 places. think they might be good for some people for not so common seed and seed mixes.
seems like good prices and things like an oats/vetch/barley mix in smallish packet for just small patches of rabbit gardens.
hope they help someone :)
also love to hear peoples thoughts on things they see there as really good mixes to grow for rabbits.


I haven't ordered from them....yet! lol! Patiently waiting for my order from Johnny's to come in. Being in the NW we have 'special' growing issues, and I usually order from Territorial Seed co, but they can be a bit pricey. Trying Johnny's Select Seeds for the first time this year. I ordered some barley, oats and wheat seed from them. I'm going to grow them in a vertical pallet garden http://lifeonthebalcony.com/how-to-turn ... -a-garden/ and hopefully it will work spectacularly :D

I also ordered mini hubbard squash, zucchini, pumpkin, kale, radish, beet, lettuce, carrot (2 kinds), painted mountain cornmeal corn, cabbage, a variety of herbs, and I've got my fingers crossed on an early cantaloup....we'll see about that! The crocus are up and the bluebells are on the way, spring is here in WA!