Why is there never good news? We may have our first serious pasteurella outbreak. 2 weeks ago the youngest litter of kits had wet clumps around their eyes. I removed their nestbox and cleaned the corner they were huddling in and it got better. Then it got worse but I found some hedgehog poop had mixed with water under the tool case nearby. You couldn't smell it standing up but when I was moving stuff away from that bottom cage it was absolutely horrible. I thought that was it.
My husband just found my favorite little ND buck, Kido, on his side. I pulled him out and he was floppy with lots of goo in his eyes and a wet nose. His water bottle may have malfunctioned while my husband was taking care of them so he's trying to get water down Kido but it's doubtful it will do anything even if it's not pasteurella. After a quick rabbit inspection the 3 does and Kido's son, Enki, all look fine but the kits have various symptoms.
I don't really want to kill everyone off but pasteurella is a death sentence for the chinchillas. We just scrubbed down with dish soap and Josh will again when he's done. I was also going to get my new pair of ND next weekend and I have nowhere to quarantine. I'm not sure where pasteurella could have come from. Our last new rabbits were in the winter and we haven't been to pet stores or shows in at least 2 months. I suppose the newer does could have been carrying it and some stress made it finally appear. Not sure what though.
I wish I'd bred snickers to Kido.
I will have to use his son/grandson who is a little on the big side. Praying at least Enki and Snickers don't have to be put down to protect the chinchillas.
My husband just found my favorite little ND buck, Kido, on his side. I pulled him out and he was floppy with lots of goo in his eyes and a wet nose. His water bottle may have malfunctioned while my husband was taking care of them so he's trying to get water down Kido but it's doubtful it will do anything even if it's not pasteurella. After a quick rabbit inspection the 3 does and Kido's son, Enki, all look fine but the kits have various symptoms.
I don't really want to kill everyone off but pasteurella is a death sentence for the chinchillas. We just scrubbed down with dish soap and Josh will again when he's done. I was also going to get my new pair of ND next weekend and I have nowhere to quarantine. I'm not sure where pasteurella could have come from. Our last new rabbits were in the winter and we haven't been to pet stores or shows in at least 2 months. I suppose the newer does could have been carrying it and some stress made it finally appear. Not sure what though.
I wish I'd bred snickers to Kido.