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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
Reaction score
Kent, Wa
Popples! Number two had 5 popples yesterday :D First time momma, and she didn't pull much fur. Luckily I have a bag full of alpaca fiber that spins up like twine, so not good for that, but chopped up a bit worked great in the nest. She did great and didn't have any on the wire. Both number 1 and number 3 had five also, so I'm thinking it's either a breed thing or they got together and discussed it :lol: (We're waiting to name them. 2 and 3 are still pretty wild) I was so worried about the cold last night, and dithered about bringing them in, driving dh crazy lol. I ended up draping a blanket over the top and front of the hutch, and put a piece of cardboard between the cages. They were warm and toasty this am yaay!
Incidentally, number 3 who I kinda named Franken-Doe for her seriously rabid attitude, has settled down nicely since I mover her out of the garage. She kindled during a cold snap, and again I dithered about when she and the kits should go back outside. (Number 1 had kindled before her and lost 4 in the cold, a week later I fostered her lone kit with Franken-Doe and re-bred her. Hard to say if she's pregnant. I seriously cannot tell, she does seem a bit chunkier than before, and she would be 2 weeks along) So once I moved Franken-Doe outside she quit charging and boxing and biting. I think maybe she thought she was all alone and was being uber protective of those bouncy things, oh god what are they??? :x They're coming towards me! Ack! I better hide in the litter box! LOL goofy girl, when I turned the nesting box on it's side so they could romp around, she had the most horrified look on her face :lol:

Without further ado, here is a new popple:

The 3 week old ones
Thanks all, I ended up reposting because I had computer issues and didn't think this one had posted....le sigh.<br /><br />__________ Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:59 am __________<br /><br />When I went out to feed the silly goose was in the middle of a hair pulling session, fur 'stache big time, lol, and when I offered her some fresh hay she snatched that up as well. The nest building instinct must've kicked in late.
Question: she had fur in her mouth and hay, will she swallow the fur and will it cause her issues?
Congratulations! :p

Those 3 weekers are too, too cute!

She shouldn't swallow any fur or hay. She is gathering not eating! :)
Oh my goodness I love the box of 3 week old kits. You couldn't have packaged them in there any better!! lol Congrats on all the nice new popples! :D
I was so worried about the cold last night, and dithered about bringing them in, driving dh crazy lol.
Yes congrats, bunnies look healthy, even though I do eat many of my rabbits, it's nice to see that you have the respect and dignity to care about them being cold. :welcomewagon: