Is it OK to post cute kits just for fun?
My mutt does are 1/4 FG 1/4 NZW and !/2 lilac rabbit. Visual opals(dilute agouti) with recessive chocolate and self genes (and some have rew) and that's IT. Perfect for testing my bucks for colors
In this case I was testing a friends new SF buck for steel, rew, dilute, and chocolate. We were expecting self black and agouti, with some hope for other colors. (his type isn't as nice as my bucks, but he might still work for my foxy-coated opal and lynx rabbit project)
So we have: 1/8 FG 1/8 NZW 1/4 Lilac 1/2 SF kits with chances of carrying dilute and chocolate, and maybe rew from the doe.
Not even sure HOW many popples are in this nest, but it was cold out, so I just poked around for
dead kits, took a quick pic(well, three), and put the nest back.
Found one dead outside the nest box. Gah, It wasn't there yesterday.
The mutt does can nurse this many(often with quite plump kits), and likely all will survive except maybe that runt on the bottom of the middle pic. I won't know for sure that they are free of steel until their color comes in better.
My mutt does are 1/4 FG 1/4 NZW and !/2 lilac rabbit. Visual opals(dilute agouti) with recessive chocolate and self genes (and some have rew) and that's IT. Perfect for testing my bucks for colors
In this case I was testing a friends new SF buck for steel, rew, dilute, and chocolate. We were expecting self black and agouti, with some hope for other colors. (his type isn't as nice as my bucks, but he might still work for my foxy-coated opal and lynx rabbit project)
So we have: 1/8 FG 1/8 NZW 1/4 Lilac 1/2 SF kits with chances of carrying dilute and chocolate, and maybe rew from the doe.
Not even sure HOW many popples are in this nest, but it was cold out, so I just poked around for
dead kits, took a quick pic(well, three), and put the nest back.
Found one dead outside the nest box. Gah, It wasn't there yesterday.
The mutt does can nurse this many(often with quite plump kits), and likely all will survive except maybe that runt on the bottom of the middle pic. I won't know for sure that they are free of steel until their color comes in better.