Poor wittle pooty-tat

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2012
Reaction score
plattsburg, missouri

My little feline friend since last June, reached a milestone in her life. One that was fraught with diametric discomfort and dramatic discontent. Distressed beyond redemption she dedicated herself to deceitfully making my life dreadfully unbearable and utterly chaotic. For days upon end she made her presence known to any and all creatures that would listen to her pathetic yowls and howls through the short days and the oh-so long nights.

More than one time, she nearly caused me to trip head over heels as she would place her wiggly bottom in the path of my footsteps. I must confess that, in my anger and distress, I popped her in the butt with my boot!! Little Miss Boots purrrrrred a sigh of contentment and twitched her tail twice!! She was such a little hussy!

"Ah-h-h my little feline friend! It's off to the vet you must go!"

Her "coming-of-age" nearly became my un-doing! There was an "itch" within her that I refused to address!

A call to the Vet was just made, assuring me the torture is over. Boots is now proper to return to her disgruntled best friend.

Ya'll have a nice day...as I'm sure my little Miss Boots will have a much quieter evening.

:lol: Poor little Boots! Seriously though, in the end, she'll be much happier! :)
It still amazes me that such a tiny little kitty can make such a BIG noise when they want to.

Hope you get a good night's uninterrupted sleep.
Poor Boots got the boot! :p

I'm sure a trip to the Vet was not exactly what she had in mind, but it does work to silence the pitiful yowling. :)
LOL!!! Like my dad always said, cats live for two reasons, and after the trip to the vet, ONE reason...food. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm sure she'll be much happier now that she's not all sorts of frustrated! ;)
Poor Boots got booted huh. Unfixed cats are hussies. A boot in the butt and they purr for more good thing that she is going to go to vet. Our unfixed female cat drove us nuts till she was fixed. Now I actually like her.
Yeah, you did the best thing for her and for you! Otherwise you'd have had to go through this "hussy" phase on a regular basis.

Marilla was fixed when we got her and I am so glad I had that on my list of criteria. I said to Brian when we were headed out to the Humane Society to choose a cat that I wanted a tabby, tortoiseshell or calico, female, 1-2 years old, dainty-footed (so she would not break things) and preferably fixed. "Unless," I amended, "I fall in love... Then all bets are off." Well, I did fall in love... "Tulip", as her previous family called her, was 1 year old, female, fixed, dilute calico and very dainty. I forced myself to look at every other cat in the place and then chose her. Happy every after for all of us. :)

I'm sure it will be the same for you, Grumpy, now that Boots' hussy urges are under control. :)
MY Maine Coon female has not been spayed due to a heart issue. She regularly gets the Screamin Meemies and keeps us up for 2 or 3 nights, takes a break for a few days then goes again. Several weeks of quiet then one more time for good measure.

This is the first cat I have ever lived with that was intact and it is NOT fun. Perhaps her next Screamin Meemie will bring the Does into more receptive moods as well?????

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