JSHRabbits":603zgu4y said:
8 weeks is kinda young do you think the skin can hold up to that heat? Or maybe it jus depends on how long you submerge the rabbit? You can try it jus the same though because I am more interested in the result. By the way what kind of weight are you getting for that age?
Those ones would be small, only in the 4 lb range I think.. I need to go weigh them soon. If any are 4.5 lbs. it will be large enough for me.
I was thinking the hair would come off very easily and they would be tender at that age, but yeah, the skin would be
really thin.
Later they would have thicker skin, especially the bucklings, but the meat would be tougher...
__________ Sat May 23, 2015 4:33 pm __________
I thought maybe I'd try 8, 10, and 12 weeks, that way I can compare tenderness, and skin thickness.
These ones are only 4 lbs, but my family was anxious to try it, so here goes attempt one.
My initial thoughts:
Definitely more time consuming and messy than simply peeling the hide off, and you lose the pelt in the process. It's not a big loss with rabbits this small however, since it's too thin to tan.
The timing for the scald was tricky to get right.
Left in too long and the skin came off with the fur, too short and the hair didn't loosen.
Here is a bit of actual skin I was able to keep on. Since the rabbit was blue, the skin has a bit of a tint. I'm sure a white rabbit would have a cleaner appearance.
Interestingly, even with the skin leaving with the pelt...some membrane that usually comes off attached to the pelt stayed on the rabbit.
You can see where I ripped it on the top one. I usually remove those fat deposits, but I'm going to skewer that membrane back together and leave that fat on this time, to see if it self bastes a bit..

Here they are being prepped for grilling.
I don't know if I succeeded well enough to see any kind of difference in juiciness, but the marinade smells wonderful..
I'll get back to everyone after dinner. :dinner: