Please help me identify my herd genetics?

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2014
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Central New York
Rabbits seem terribly complicated... I am trying very hard to understand how this works, reading as many links as I can, looking at pictures of rabbit coat colors, etc. I want to start first by understanding what I have in my own herd (mixed.) And I find it confusing.

Thumper is my buck. He's a Flemish Giant and chinchilla/steel in color.

This is as far as I can figure out:
A_ BB cchd_ D_ Es_

One of my does is a black Tort Satin

and this is as far as I can get:
aa BB C_ D_ ee
(I am told that her mother was “broken copper” and dad was either “broken copper” or “siamese.”)

When those two were bred together, they produced 4 chinchilla/steel, 4 chestnut agouti and 2 REW.
Does that mean that they both carry the 'c' that brought out the REW? I ask because of the other litter...

My other doe is ½ New Zealand White and ½ Californian (said the breeder I got her from.) She is marked like a Californian.

This is as far as I can figure:
_ _ BB ch_ D_ EE

When bred to the same buck as the first doe, we got 4 Californian colored and 3 very dark silver-tipped-steel.

This is what is confusing the crap out of me... it's the 'C' genes. If REW requires 2 copies of 'c' then my buck must be both cchd and c? But if he can only pass cchd or c to my Californian colored doe, then are the dark silver-tipped-steel kits getting 'C' from the Californian doe and cchd from the buck? And if so, why do they not resemble chinchilla/steel?

What I want to do, (second to meat production) is to bring out all the possible agoutis and minimize or eliminate REW. (I have no solid opinion yet on whether to keep the Californian/Himalayan pattern)

What will happen if I cross the dark silver-tipped-steel from one litter with a chestnut agouti from the other? Will it likely eliminate REW?
Rabbits are easy. Try guinea pigs, cats, or for a real challenge mutt chickens. Somewhere there is a very thick book on chicken genetics that I never made it through lol

Why do you have BB on your rabbits? Do you know for absolute certain they don't carry chocolate? Just having 2 black based parents doesn't mean anything. Sometimes you can get a chocolate from a line of blacks and blues 10 generations long. That's how recessives work.

If the tort x chin produced rew you have aa B* Cc D_ ee for tort and A_ B* cchdc D_ Es_

A NZ x CA is a rew x himi so aaB*D*chcE* Your silver tipped steels must be chins that aren't showing the color well, there are modifiers we don't have a genetic code for that accounts for the variation in colors especially between certain breeds, or you have mistaken your buck's color. There is no C-full color anywhere to make a plain steel.

The steels x chestnuts would result in more steels and chestnuts except for the fact both must be carrying a c locus gene. Your steels are cchd and either ch or c and your chestnuts are C and either cchd or c so along with steel and chestnut you could get chin, himi, rew out of the mix and with the agouti combination you could end up with what are called shagouti (shaded agoutis which can look quite weird) or self chins.
:yeahthat: and your chinchilla buck is not steel (because his belly is white instead of dark grey) so your himilayan doe must carry it instead.

The silver tipped steel are not full colour -"C" but are chinchillas with the steel gene. A_ B_ cchd_ D_ Es_

All the kits from the himilayan doe will carry the white genes, either himilayan or REW so if you want to eliminate white dont keep any. You 'll need to test breed to figure out who secretly carries the white genes as there is no other way to know for sure who doesn't have one.
akane":2uv16l84 said:
Why do you have BB on your rabbits? Do you know for absolute certain they don't carry chocolate? Just having 2 black based parents doesn't mean anything. Sometimes you can get a chocolate from a line of blacks and blues 10 generations long. That's how recessives work.

Like I said... I'm still so very green when it comes to rabbit genetics. I really don't know for certain. It was a guess and if I ever do get chocolates from any of these guys, I think I'll be very pleased. While I would consider chocolates a pleasant surprise, I wasn't really considering their absence or presence as a factor...

akane":2uv16l84 said:
If the tort x chin produced rew you have aa B* Cc D_ ee for tort and A_ B* cchdc D_ Es_

What is B*?

So are you saying the buck is definitely cchdc? I kind of did suspect that was the case and that the silver-tipped-steel were really chins. Working with only what I have and can produce from these rabbits and their offspring... is there a way to get the REW out entirely while keeping a high proportion of agouti? <br /><br /> __________ Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:11 pm __________ <br /><br />
Dood":2uv16l84 said:
:yeahthat: and your chinchilla buck is not steel (because his belly is white instead of dark grey) so your himilayan doe must carry it instead.

That is definitely something I needed to know! Lol.

My head hurts...
If you keep the chin buck and himilayan and tort does you will keep getting REW and REW carriers because all 3 secretly carry the gene.

The only solution is to replace them with their agouti kits and test breed. Then every time you get a white kit you replace that animal with another agouti and eventually you will eliminate it but it could take several generations :(
I have been trying to eliminate REW for a while now. I got two REWs in the last litter so now I know the parents carry it, but with no visible REWs in the Rex, I'm going to need to test them with the Angora. It may be virtually impossible to do it.
B..... Dominate... Black......if dilute is carried it would be Blue.

b..... recessive.....chocolate....if dilute is carried it would be lilac

( clear as mud......and it gets worse as More genes are added to the mix... :) :pancake: )

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