Planted buckwheat, alfalfa, sunflower that ok?

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2012
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Oh I got the best idea when I saw a lot of old whole seeds I've had at home.. I have like a ton of buckwheat (since I'm allergic to wheat I tried those) and such I'll just not use.
Before thinking properly I filled a *cough* kids sleigh-thingy like this but green with some soil and planted my seeds. I figure since I can't eat it, I could grow it and give some to the long-ears as a supplement to their hay and pellet.

Now is there anything of these I should be careful with? Buckwheat, alfalfa or sunflowers? I figure I'll harvest as soon as they're tall enough to cut, so no waiting for flowers or something.
I have both (hopefully) pregnant does and a buck.. anything either of them should avoid?
As far as I know, both the alfalfa and sunflowers should be fine. I fed sunflowers(flower, leaves and stock) to the rabbits in the early fall, and they LOVED them. I've added kasha(toasted buckwheat seeds) to my grains, and the rabbits took to it quickly.
The only concern I can think of is fungus growing on the cut stocks. Make sure there is lots of air circulation around them after you chop them down, that they are thoroughly dry before you bundle them for storage and that you keep them dry.
Oh I don't plan to dry them or store them, it's to be able to give the buns more fresh foods during the winter. They won't get a lot of it each day (especially not now when they're not used to fresh foods) I figure a little handful of sprouts could benefit them :)
My rabbits wont eat anypart of sunflower, except for shelled seed, too much work for them i guess
How can it be work for them to eat sunflower sprouts?

Sunflower sprouts are supposed to be good and tasty for people too!

I keep meaning to try sprouting my own, since I'm sure the gluttons would like them(Even Dobby ate the sunflowers, and he's Mr Picky Pants.)
I used to sprout some before but I end up not eating enough.. xD

Oooooh I want to grow all of my own food and live all .. uncivilized.. xD but I'm way too lazy.. :eek:
I'd love to grow all my own food and live uncivilized(except for having heat, air conditioning, hydro, running hot and cold water, interwebs, cell phone...), except my back yard is about the size of a postage stamp, and is completely shaded by 50ft cedars. I doubt I could even grow enough out there to keep the bunrabs alive!
Weeeel.. I would have enough space and there's surely pretty much I could grow in this circumstances.. but I won't go through with it >_>
How about if I keep poking at you? Then you can grow enough for both of us and just mail it to me?
haha sunflowers are usually sprouted for human consumption ;) And I might very well eat both the alfalfa, buckwheat and sunflower sprouts myself.. but not all of them :)<br /><br />__________ Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:46 pm __________<br /><br />Aaaand... the girl being too lazy to actually do something with the wish of growing more food at home, just made her first ''flower bed''.. :oops:

When spring comes I'll fill my little ''box'' up with soil and try to plant carrots, parsley (oh right, I keep that under the elder tree with my medical plants) uhm,. roots and sallads perhaps..

Maybe I'll make a bigger box and plant sweet potatoes in it.. and something for cocumber.. I like that..

I really don't have green thumbs, but I hope my mattram (feverfew - Tanacetum parthenium) will start growing again next year.. it's great for headachs. And I planted some other things that should hopefully survive.. But I don't know, it's the first year I've tried planting them :D

I'll have my own little homestead soon.. and it all started with rabbits.

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