Plantago (sp) and Coccidiosis

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Aug 11, 2014
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Idabel, OK
There was a recent post about plantain which reminded me I had looked this up a while back and forgot to post it.

I know that plantago species have an antidiarrheal effect. So, since I often go down tangents, I decided to google "plantago coccidiosis" and found this!!!!

Now, it's possible that not all plantain sp have the same effect as the one tested however, given that they are a pretty universal reputation as antidiarrheal, I bet they do.

Anticoccidial effects of the Plantago asiatica extract (PAE) were evaluated in chickens following oral infection with Eimeria (E.) tenella. This study was conducted on the 3-day-old chickens (n=30). Those animals were divided with 3 groups; PAE 0.1% treated/infected (n=10), PAE untreated/infected (n=10) and non-infected control (n=10). Chickens were fed a standard diet supplemented with or without PAE for 1 week prior to infection with E. tenella (10,000 sporulated oocysts per chicken). The effects of PAE on E. tenella infection were assessed by two parameters; fecal oocysts shedding and body weights gain. The PAE-fed chickens produced significantly reduced fecal oocysts (P<0.05) when compared to the E. tenella-infected group fed standard diet. Also, PAE-based diet, improved body weight loss caused by E. tenella infection. Our data demonstrated that PAE had remarkable anticoccidial activities against E. tenella. This finding might have implications for the development of anticoccidial drug. This study is the first to demonstrate anticoccidial effect of PAE on Eimeria parasites.
Super sleuthing, Alforddm! :bouncy:

The result of the study doesn't surprise me--I've often thought that some of the weeds we feed must have powerful if unacknowledged medicinal effects--but it sure is nice to have a reputable study explore the subject.
I have been occasionally supplementing my rabbits with weeds and alum based veggies (onion, chives, garlic)

I need to get serious and start drying weeds for the rabbits and get more serious on supplementing ...... it will help in many areas....