Plant ID please...........Is this catnip?

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
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My neighbor brought me this plant this morning, wondering if it's catnip, before she pulls it all out.


Yes, it has a very pungent minty-musky scent!!! Yay! I don't have to grow it now, she's going to leave it for me to have. When should it be harvested?
My catnip leaves are a softer green and more elongated.

IMG_7081 - Copy.JPGIMG_8537.JPG

Hmm- the pics inside the house made it look darker green:


Here is a cross section of the hollow stem, and both front and back views of leaves:


You can harvest it anytime- the more you cut it back, the bushier it becomes. It can get really leggy if not trimmed back.
do not feed to pregnant due to kindle soon or nursing does. Mint family plants can dry up does.

It can be useful in getting picky eaters started eating again. :) My bucks ALL love it.
My pesky rabbits wont eat it! :evil: And it is everywhere!

I need to stake out an inner-city streetcorner and start selling it to the alleycats! :twisted:

MamaSheepdog, your catnip looks more like mine than does Geri's... which is why I hesitated a tad. But the smell is unmistakeable! One needs all one's senses when IDing plants.

Lemon balm looks similar but the leaves are a more a lemony green than a bluish green and they are glossier. Again... the sense of smell is important.

I've never had a rabbit that did not recoil in horror from catnip... but Ladysown is quite correct not to let pregnant or nursing does eat it. I use it mainly as a mosquito and fly repellent... in the rabbitry and on me. :)

On harvesting... just as it is approaching blossoming is likely ideal, but you can cut it anytime. Watch out for powdery mildew on the undersides of leaves in August-September, especially if you are feeding it to your bucks or cats.
Well now I don't know. :? Even the stem looks different on mine, it's kind of purplish.

I don't want it for feeding, I want to dry it for a project here at home. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it maybe.
Geri, go ask your cats! If it is catnip, they should be all over it. My stem is purple where the leaves join it, and you can see a "blush" of purple going down the stem.

Yes, the moggies know catnip when they smell it! Marilla rarely indulges in fresh catnip, but she loves it dried and powdered just before serving. No stems please. All I have to say is "Would you like some weed?" and she is right there.
OMG, Maggie! Too funny! The Pups say that the cats are drug addicts when they go for the catnip- and poor Chase is told the same thing when he has allergies and needs a daily Benadryl!
Seriously, she will sit beside Brian's chair in the morning and meow piteously. He usually takes her out for a bit of grazing when he lets the geese and chickens out. Lucifer (our rooster) always tries to attack me, so Brian does the morning critter run.
Oh Maggie, these Calicos with the Cattitude are sure something else, aren't they!! :lol: Mine has me trained as well!

So, I put it down on the floor, and no one really knew what to do with the big wilted weed. Patches licked it profusely, which is what she does with the dried nip. It must be nip! I scooped it up, and put it in the dehydrator since I had it out after using it today. After the weed was picked up, then Kitten went and rolled all over the floor in that very spot. I bet its nip. I'll let you know how it dries. :lol:
You can air-dry catnip in bunches too. That's all I ever do. Once it is bone dry I store the leaves in a jar.

Those are nice kitty cushions you make. Once you get a big supply of catnip you might want to consider making some with catnip in them. Your Calico with Cattitude might like that!
My hubby said to use the cat nip in the pet beds too, but actually, I'm hesitant to do that. Anything with catnip in, my cats lick to death! The pic with Lucy in the basket by the fireplace, I had actually placed a bit of nip on that pad, and both Kitten and Lucy were biting at the nip, and the pad like crazy. I think it may be damaging. Not sure. I could always do a test pad with it INSIDE, and see if that made a difference.

I made some cat toys with a fresh catnip I bought, and they went bonkers with them!!! :lol: My cats love testing out all my new stuff. :D
Probably best just to put it in the toys then. Marilla likes catnip but she doesn't get crazy. In fact last night she only ate about half of what I gave her... and then retreated to the top of the recliner to sleep it off.
I dried the weed I had, but I don't know, to me I don't recognize the smell. I think I'm going to pass, just to be safe. I have some that I bought from Rose Mountain Herbs to use, and it's really nice stuff. They seemed to be the cheapest out there I could find. I really liked ordering from them too, the customer service, packaging, and little extras they do were really a nice touch.

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