placement of bucks

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
South Mississippi
What are the advantages to having the bucks separate from the does? I had trouble getting my ladies in the mood for a buck so I had to shuffle them around to be next to a buck for a few days so they would be receptive. Due to this, my plan for my new stock is to put them in cages girl boy girl, girl boy girl, etc. I will have 4 trio's. I keep hearing of people who separate the buck tho.
How do it work for you?
My buck will pee on a doe if he can manage it, even with urine guards. That's the only problem I really know of. If you are only doing that right before breeding, it might be okay.
My bucks are kept on the bottom tier in my bunny barn. There are some young does down there also, but my working does are on the top row.
My bucks are mostly on one side, does on the other, has more to do with the cage space and having smaller cages on that side. I can't see how that would affect breeding, that room is so small I can stretch my hands out and touch cages on either side.
When I have boys near girls full time, they get used to that male and will not breed with him...
I keep them separate, boys in one area, girls in another and one small cage for breeding.