katiebear":i1mwqort said:
Susie570":i1mwqort said:
I've been wondering about the pinecones.. are ANY pinecones ok? What about the spa? Do the rabbits get all sticky? :shock:
I would keep them out of the hot tub..but a massage might be nice.. :lol:
Sorry, couldn't resist. ..the sap shouldn't bother them as long as there is not a lot..if it sticks to your hand get a different one.
HAHAHAH!!!! Sorry, the autocorrect on my mobile devices is really annoying sometimes

I didn't catch that one, at least it was funny :lol: <br /><br /> __________ Wed May 13, 2015 9:12 am __________ <br /><br /> I like the idea of lightly toasting pinecones for the buns.
Sticky buns are yummy, but I'd rather not deal with the mess.
In a similar vein... I know we've all been asking about apple tree branches and such.
I just broke off some young branches for all of the buns, but I'm a little worried about giving all of those leaves to the buns!
The branches are covered with leaves and buds. The two adult rabbits get a LITTLE fresh greens, like ONE dandelion flower, two leaves and one plantain leaf a day. I'm really paranoid about the bunnies getting upset stomachs. Sprinkles has been getting the occasional dandelion or plantain leaf. I've just started giving the two new girls one plantain leaf and one cilantro leaf. I don't know if I'm being overly paranoid, or if even that much could upset their digestion (they're all around 3-4 months old).
Anyway, I'm leery of giving them these small branches. Should it be ok? Can I just stick them in there? Should I strip off some of the leaves? All of the leaves?? o.0