picking up a new puppy soon!

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Well-known member
May 18, 2011
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It has been 3 weeks since we had to return Emily to the guide dog school :cry: They called yesterday and said they have a litter of puppies coming in on the 22nd, so on the 24th DH and I will be going back to Columbus to pick up a standard poodle puppy to raise. I am so excited... hubby not so much :lol:
Standard poodles are so much fun! I love how they can boing around just like the little ones- I think it is hilarious. They seem to have a great sense of humor, and are so intelligent. Truly a joy to be around.

Have fun with the new pup. I hope Emily "makes the grade" and finds a wonderful home as a service dog. :)
They dont know anything about the pups yet so I am really going to be surprized, I dont know what color or sex i am getting. So looks like I will have to wait to pick out a name.

I really hope Emily passes her tests, she is a smart sweet dog, but did have some fear issues with some men. We dont know why, we took her around all different types of people. But the trainers are really good at working through issues like that.