Peter and his little family (no pictures yet)

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Dec 21, 2009
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South Central Wisconsin
Peter is still in with Clone (the year old doe). She kindled quite a few, but for whatever reason most weren't being fed. (I strongly suspect that it was a combination of her not having enough milk, not really knowing what to do, and a HUGE DEEP nest..the kits couldn't get up to her nipples). But she has 3 fat little beggars who opened eyes a few days ago. They are now out and looking around.

and Peter is BEMUSED! I was worried about leaving him in with the kits, but he's such a gentle soul with the does, (I'll often see him next to the doe, or lately he's started laying down with his head across the doe's shoulder/ a "T" shape)that I decided to leave him in with Clone. He did, of course, rebreed her immediately, but she's quite young, and milk is now stimulated so maybe it will turn out okay.

BUT...I've been watching to see what happens when the kits come out. Turns out he's like most fathers...totally entranced, but bemused, by the little ones :lol: They come up to him and try to find a nipple and he looks down at them like "what ARE you doing?". He's very very careful around them. No hopping or fast moving.

I'll have to get the camera upstairs. This morning he was sitting there like a mother hen...3 little bunny heads poking out from under his belly/chest. well...2 heads, and one little fuzzy butt.
LOL. It's a joy to see the family life of the rabbits. Even when they are meat buns. :) Our buck, Jasper, is a "family man" too. I really like the colony approach to raising rabbits. They are just so much happier... and I like "happy food".
I like happy food, too. I think that we as people should strive to give our meat as good a life as possible while they are here.