PETA joke

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2012
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Found this joke on PETA facebook

How many PETA members does it take to change a lightbulb? None, PETA can't change anything.
unfortunately that's not true... PETA for their sheer persistance is changing things and making it harder for folks to care properly for their animals.
Agree with ladysown. PETA is making it harder fir honest people to care for their animals. If they don't get their way, they bully others. Just like politicians.

Forget PETA making it harder for people to care for their animals... PETA wants to get rid of all domestic animals. That right there is a joke if you ask me.
PETA, in itself is the joke, a really bad and depressing joke that we all want to go away.
In truth this is what PETA wants :gun: :bunnyhop: :chair: :bash: :axe: :evil: :2guns: :cute: :2guns: :cat: :gun: :chicken2: :2guns: :turkey: :gun: :lilbunny:
Demamma":2swx2grh said:
In truth this is what PETA wants :gun: :bunnyhop: :chair: :bash: :axe: :evil: :2guns: :cute: :2guns: :cat: :gun: :chicken2: :2guns: :turkey: :gun: :lilbunny:
Guess we're all too uptight about PETA and HSUS to find any humor in them. The're like thunderclouds on the horizon just waiting to pounce unexpectedly.
fishdip":13hygqtn said:
How many PETA members does it take to change a lightbulb? None, PETA can't change anything.
- They would find the prior light bulb to be miss treated, and pay a lot of money to have it work again. They would also deny ownership of the new light bulb, if there were any young children in the house hold, because it might not be taken care of, or money may be spent on the child, instead of money being spent on (heroic health attempts) high care (vet) bills, using your lightbulb (animal) as an guinea pig for medication. They do not advocate generally improving the health of the lightbulbs (breeds) by taking out the lightbulbs (animals) that are substandard quality require special medication, or that might help create antibiotic resistant bacteria strains, because of constantly needing antibiotics.
- They advocate that social animals, that are used to a pecking order and a lot of disopline in thier normal social groups, to be allowed to run the house hold. Ideas like this can create a situation, where a dominate breed (like pit bulls) may turn on thier owners, for a supposed slight that the owner may have done to them. As far as the light bulb, that it be allowed to decide when it wants to work and which room it would like to be in, much like they lamate that animals have to wait for their owners to take them for walks and that the animals are only allowed to do their business, when and where the owner allow. That the person could not own the lightbulb, that the lightbulb is suppose to be part of the family and be allowed to run the family.
- Then they would advocate that no other light bulbs be made, since too many light bulbs end up in the landfills
(human society - when at end of life), instead of the owner, burying the light bulb, in thier own yard. They also lamate that the lightbulb (once the animals spirit is gone) should have a definate end, instead of being allowed to join back into the circle of life. That the body should be highly medicated and go to a land fill, instead of to feed rehibilitating wildlife that eat meat, or possibally go to an abitor, to have it's bones calcium feed plants.

__________ Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:43 pm __________
Devon's Mom Lauren":3ot9b17b said:
PETA has been around a good 40 years or so and people still own all sorts of pets and animals

True. But have you heard of the concept known as The Overton Window? From Wikipedia, emphasis in bold type is mine:

Overton assigned a spectrum of “more free” and “less free”, with regard to government intervention, oriented vertically on an axis. When the window moves or expands along this axis, an idea at a given location may become more or less politically acceptable as the window moves relative to it. The degrees of acceptance[4] of public ideas can be described roughly as:


The Overton window is a means of visualizing which ideas define that range of acceptance by where they fall in it. Proponents of policies outside the window seek to persuade or educate the public so that the window either “moves” or expands to encompass them. Opponents of current policies, or similar ones currently within the window, likewise seek to convince people that these should be considered unacceptable.

Other formulations of the process created after Overton's death add the concept of moving the window, such as deliberately promoting ideas even less acceptable than the previous "outer fringe" ideas, with the intention of making the current fringe ideas acceptable by comparison.

PETA and organizations like it have been systematically pushing the window of what is "acceptable" in utilizing animals. Look at the recent attack on the farm that wished to conduct a rabbit butchering workshop, the denigration of breeders of animals, and the push for "animal rights". PETA recently sued Sea World under the 13th Amendment accusing them of slavery for having performing Orcas! ... ti-slavery

Each small step may seem insignificant, but they are creeping ever closer to their goals.
Devon's Mom Lauren":185i049r said:
I don't know.... PETA has been around a good 40 years or so and people still own all sorts of pets and animals....., just sayin'
PETA is nothing if not patient. They have been working for 40 years to get our laws and social attitudes to where they are now, and they will not stop trying until human ownership and use of animals is completely obliterated off the face of the earth. (The fact that such a scenario would cause the extinction of all animals AND humans is not on their radar.)
Piper":1wmsqy5a said:
fishdip":1wmsqy5a said:
How many PETA members does it take to change a lightbulb? None, PETA can't change anything.
- They would find the prior light bulb to be miss treated, and pay a lot of money to have it work again. They would also deny ownership of the new light bulb, if there were any young children in the house hold, because it might not be taken care of, or money may be spent on the child, instead of money being spent on (heroic health attempts) high care (vet) bills, using your lightbulb (animal) as an guinea pig for medication. They do not advocate generally improving the health of the lightbulbs (breeds) by taking out the lightbulbs (animals) that are substandard quality require special medication, or that might help create antibiotic resistant bacteria strains, because of constantly needing antibiotics.
- They advocate that social animals, that are used to a pecking order and a lot of disopline in thier normal social groups, to be allowed to run the house hold. Ideas like this can create a situation, where a dominate breed (like pit bulls) may turn on thier owners, for a supposed slight that the owner may have done to them. As far as the light bulb, that it be allowed to decide when it wants to work and which room it would like to be in, much like they lamate that animals have to wait for their owners to take them for walks and that the animals are only allowed to do their business, when and where the owner allow. That the person could not own the lightbulb, that the lightbulb is suppose to be part of the family and be allowed to run the family.
- Then they would advocate that no other light bulbs be made, since too many light bulbs end up in the landfills
(human society - when at end of life), instead of the owner, burying the light bulb, in thier own yard. They also lamate that the lightbulb (once the animals spirit is gone) should have a definate end, instead of being allowed to join back into the circle of life. That the body should be highly medicated and go to a land fill, instead of to feed rehibilitating wildlife that eat meat, or possibally go to an abitor, to have it's bones calcium feed plants.

__________ Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:43 pm __________
- I suspect that some members have stock in 'Quorn' a "filamentous fungus, or more precisely the mould, Fusarium venenatum" that is marketed as a mycoprotein. Cite from
- Leading to more abusive talk about natural animal byproducts, and/or orgaic, green, substainable items.
- Much of the farm land in America is not suitable for crops, and the only other use is for grazing, since animals can utilize plants that humans have trouble digesting.
- Cangzhou East Feed Additive has launched mycoprotein foods for pigs. Cite from
- in 2002 the companies were somewhat interlocked, I remember seeing a Quorn comercial that had the Novartis logo at it's bottom.
Novartis / AstraZeneca / Marlow Foods / Syngenta / Sandoz / Ciba-Geigy / Gerber Baby products /...
makers of 'Star Link Corn', Target,
- Since the early 2000's, they have sold off Quorn and Gerber. I still shiver to think about those companies using Quorn in baby food. What scares me, is that some people may not see why they should not.
This is from 1999, when some people accused me 'a airconditioner loving person', of being a tree hugger.
So much for drinking rainwater if you live in Europe ... _id=000fya : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread ... ory12.html
It's raining pesticides Fred Pearce and Debora Mackenzie

This came up during the time of ambiguous genitalia of aligators and polar bears being tagged to DDT breakdowns. Accelerated delvelopment of secondary sexual characteristics, was pegged to bisphenol A (BPA).
Frogs developing multiple legs, if they developed at all, was another high profile item.
- Another thing that gets to me, it seems as if a lot of the problems that cigarettes had, was from the chemically grown tobacco. When the tobacco burned, it released the chemicals. Now we are advocating using chemically grown corn as a fuel for cars? I am just waiting for them to find a problem with burning corn (not the chemicals in the corn) but the corn, it's self.
We burnt some corn at a campout a week ago. And there's a town in Alabama named Burnt Corn. Aprapos of nothing, but seriously, these folks best never come down South - we'll eat them, with a little burnt corn!

And maybe some grits.
I have to agree with PETA won't change the light bulb they will spend $xx,xxx fixing the old lightbulb and then deny it's use because it might burn out again. Eventually humanely crushing the light bulb for it's own good while we all sit in the dark because light bulb makers are banned to prevent burnt out light bulbs.