Pet doe

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Oct 20, 2023
Reaction score
I am 12 years old . I am now breeding Holland Lops and not interested in breeding mutts anymore. So I have decided to to find a new home for this doe and buck. The doe is proven and a very good mom. It won’t let me post pictures of them so if you are interested please message me 😊. Buck is New Zealand and Dutch mix and the doe is New Zealand and Mini Rex mix.
I am 12 years old . I am now breeding Holland Lops and not interested in breeding mutts anymore. So I have decided to to find a new home for this doe and buck. The doe is proven and a very good mom. It won’t let me post pictures of them so if you are interested please message me 😊. Buck is New Zealand and Dutch mix and the doe is New Zealand and Mini Rex mix.
Hi Abigail, there is a section for rabbit classified ads (buying and selling) on the site but we generally reserve that for members who have spent some time on the site.

An alternative to rehoming animals here on Rabbittalk might be the community section of your local Craigslist, which will allow you to post pictures and offer pets for a small rehoming fee. Also, do not overlook any physical bulletin boards that may be at your local feed store.

Maybe other members can make suggestions?
Hi Abigail, there is a section for rabbit classified ads (buying and selling) on the site but we generally reserve that for members who have spent some time on the site.

An alternative to rehoming animals here on Rabbittalk might be the community section of your local Craigslist, which will allow you to post pictures and offer pets for a small rehoming fee. Also, do not overlook any physical bulletin boards that may be at your local feed store.

Maybe other members can make suggestions?
Okay! Sorry! So I need to delete this post?
@Abigail I am not concerned about this particular post, the policy is to prevent someone from just spamming the site with a whole bunch of ads, and I don't think you are trying to do that. However, people on this site are from all over the world. So you just may not get much response, as pet/mixed breed rabbits aren't likely to get shipped across the country. I think you may have better luck with something more local.
Try, Facebook and Craigslist, that's where I sell mine. Or if you are desperate try, your local auction you might not get much for them but they will be out of your hands.
I have tried Facebook and Craigslist . But I think someone is coming to pick her up tomorrow ! 😊
Thank you for recommending them to me !