New member
I am getting my new bunnies in a few days and have been doing A LOT of research lately. A few days ago, I came across the colony way of raising them and I LOVE it. There is only one question I cannot find ANYWHERE. I will be breeding New Zealand meat rabbits primarily for selling to a local processor. I would like to eventually have at least 40 producing does. I will be starting with 2 does and a buck, and at least at first, will be housing them together. I intend on removing the kits at weaning to a grow out area if need be. I will probably end up with 10 does per pen, but cannot figure out or find how big each pen needs to be. I have 7 acres of property, so size is not the issue, but I dont want to make it too small or really to big for money reasons. Can anyone please advise what size I should start out with for 2 does and a buck minimum and for 10 does and a buck maximum? :bunnyhop: