Palpation frustration

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2012
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I've watched the Youtube videos, read the tutorials and I can't feel anything that resembles grapes or babies when trying to palpate my three does this week at 12-16 days post breeding. I'd guess that none of them took if I went by what I could feel. I suppose I have to wait and see at day 30+ but after two failed attempts, I sure would like to know - are they or aren't they? Where are the bunny pee-on-a-stick tests so we can tickle them into a producing a stream and know right away?! :roll:

Guess I just sit back and watch and wait for a couple more weeks. :popcorn:
I've been working on becoming better at palpating. Last time I palpated I believe I felt 2 babies. The trick is to take your time and really work you figures up into their tummy. You will feel poop for sure then just feel for something like poop but bigger. Take your time, don't be afraid to "get up in there", go all the way up to the base of the ribs they can be kinda high up there, and allow your doe to relax. Like I said I'm new to palpating as well. It take a lot of practice.
We had 3 failed attempts....then the other day my daughter had Oreo on her lap, laying on her back stroking her belly and you could feel kits moving around....I could feel them nudging around in there. The next 4 days I could not feel them at all no matter how hard i tried to palpitate, thought it must have been "gas"......Today we have our first Litter....
My suggestion for learning how to palpate is to first try on an open doe or a buck to get a feel for their "insides". Don't be afraid to push deep in there and feel around! The chance of hurting the doe or possible kits is actually a lot less than you may think.
For me personally, I have hard time palpating any earlier than day 13-14 or any later than day 16-17 but you will have to learn what works for you.

Here is a good pdf page from the ARBA website about the art of palpation:
The way I do it is with the rabbit facing toward me I put my right hand under the rabbit with my four fingers way up on left side of the rabbit and my thumb on the other side of the rabbits tummy and press in and kind of roll my thumb back and fourth- last time I did it I could feel individual grape size babies on the 13th day —but when I tried again on the 16 day I couldn't feel them -- so if you wait too long I don't think you can feel them anymore.
Palpation can be a frustrating nightmare. A lot depends upon how relaxed your doe is. The other is having a keen sense of touch.

One other thing.....practice.
