Palpating does---I am not good at it. WHo is?

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
Western Wash.
I have the hardest time palpating my does; I assume that they take as I check after breeding. However, one I thought was certain seems to have missed---today is day 35.

I rebred her last night and also palpated her--didn't feel a thing.

She did gain in size and weight, so what do I know?! Here mates next door both gained similarly and delivered a ocuple days ago....
I seem to recall reading somewhere that she wouldn't consent to rebreeding if she were pregnant and several weeks along.

Pearl won't let me palpate, so I can't help with that. I put my hands under her, and she leaves post haste.
I find that I can't really feel the kits until about day 29 or 30. Almost every litter I've had has been born on day 32. My does are pretty good at patiently letting me feel their bellies although most of them get a good rubdown every day so they're used to being handled. If they're crouching down on all four legs you have to feel the belly up under the inside of the back leg, kind of up the side of the belly. Hope that makes sense. It should feel like a bag of marbles. Don't be afraid to push a little firmly, you won't hurt the kits and she'll let you know if it's uncomfortable!!
I will keep trying... Rebred her yesterday and again tonight---I am going to consider her "bred" at this point. The date is clocked, so we will see. I haven't had many miss, but I also had him breed three buns in a row, I think he maxes at two. He will have a week off and then he has two does to service. Currently, he is servicing 12 does; the buck at the farm is servicing 6 with 5 more coming into age next month.

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