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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2014
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NW Missouri
We have a double seated outhouse beside my rabbitry. It's in great shape and was wanting to actually use it through the Spring, Summer, and Fall. Not on a daily bases. :x But for when we have cookouts and get togethers. :p

So does anyone have experience on using, caring for, or keeping clean/up keep of an outhouse? :reading1: :reading2: Please and Thank you in advance.
Keep three coffee tins (with lids) in there... one has lye, one has peat, one has a roll of TP. Hang a small scoop on the wall within easy reach.

Make a nice instructional sheet to hang inside, something like "if you tinkle, no need to sprinkle. If you poo, use a small scoop from cans 1 and 2!"

Also, it helps to have actual toilet seats with lids on the holes. Gives folks a clean (familiar) place to sit and they're easy to wipe clean.
That's excellent advice, Syberchick, but isn't lye too caustic to be safe around children? At our summer cottage, we always used wood ashes from the fireplace. They worked very well to keep the outhouse odours down.
Those are good points. I guess you could can tell I've been around a number of outhouses ;) and I've seen lye used several times, but I agree it could be dangerous for young kids. It might be safer to just offer sawdust, but keep lye on hand and just use that yourself once or twice a day. If you have access to wood ash, that might be a good alternative, not sure. The lye just really keeps the odor and flies down, but I wouldn't want my kid handling it.

Another thing I forgot to mention is how important it is to have a nearby hand washing station (particularly when food is involved). :x

Oh!! Also, if you DO have lye, remember to keep vinegar nearby in case it gets on anyone's skin. Water will NOT wash off lye, it makes the chemical reaction worse. Vinegar neutralizes it.
You could also keep some waterless hand cleaner in there with a roll of paper towel.

If you have people using it who are not used to it, you could put an air freshener in there or spray a little Febreeze to make them a little more comfortable. Maybe that's just my city upbringing talking...lol
Thank you all. We were planning on using it only once in a while. Would we have to scoop stuff out or would it breakdown naturally? Since it's not the daily potty. I know that over time it would have to be moved or cleaned out. But since it will only be used a little would that change things? Also, we use rid-x in our septic tank, would that be good for breaking things down? I saw a few websites that also talked about lye, lime, and wood ash. A lot about daily use but not much on one that is occasionally used.
Since it is only for occasional use, you could probably go for years without needing to dig it out or move it. The waste will break down in time. I know nothing about Rid-X so can't comment. Using something the day after it has been used for an event would likely be all you need to do.

Edited to add: One thing you can do to reduce odours is to make sure the outhouse is properly vented. It makes a big difference. Lots of information online about this.
alforddm":3b3a9ke9 said:
Use lime instead of lye. While still strong, it's not nearly as dangerous as lye.

Bingo!! Actually, I feel pretty dumb right now because LIME is what I meant... good grief. :p :oops: :oops:

(thanks for coming to the rescue, alforddm!!)

However, even lime is caustic if on the skin too long and (like lye) can be worsened with the application of water... so keep vinegar handy just in case. I have pictures of chemical burns on my fingers after doing some mortaring bare handed... :oops: (mortar contains lime) <br /><br /> __________ Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:52 am __________ <br /><br />
wamplercathy":3b3a9ke9 said:
Would we have to scoop stuff out or would it breakdown naturally? Since it's not the daily potty. I know that over time it would have to be moved or cleaned out. But since it will only be used a little would that change things?

I don't think you will have to do anything to it.. particularly if you are regularly adding something to help break things down more quickly (like lime).

If it's a composting toilet, you will need to empty it out regularly. If it's a big pit in the ground, you should be ok for quite a while ;)
coyotejoe":3iohujcw said:
Those are all good suggestions but better yet------- turn it into a rabbit hutch! :lol:
We only have 1 bathroom for guest to use when we have parties. There is my daughter's bathroom :x but I won't send people in there. :p :lol: :lol: Plus a potty by the rabbitry sounds very good to me. :lol: :lol: