our new rabbitry website!

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
southern california
good morning, my wife and I just finished our rabbitry website, if anybody can take a look and give some feedback that would be awesome! jollysrabbits.com there are tabs at the top of the homepage to switch from page to page.
Nice work! I need to set up a website myself.

Just a couple of corrections/suggestions.

The plural form of Rex is Rex... not Rexes. You might want to specify that they are standard Rex, not minis.

"The Flemish was originally bred for their fur and meat, but has become widely accepted as a household pet due to their docile nature." This sounds a little awkward... it should either be "The Flemish were originally bred for their fur and meat, but they have become..." or "The Flemish was... bred for its fur.... due to its..." Or you could drop a lot of the pronouns and have it read something like this: "The Flemish was originally bred for meat and fur, but due to its docile nature it has become widely accepted as a household pet." You forgot to capitalize the start of the next sentence.

You might also want to stipulate that any returned rabbits must include their cage or wait for an opening in your quarantine area. Despite the fact that you sold the animal, it should undergo at least a 30 day quarantine before you let it anywhere near your other rabbits.
thanks for the heads MSD, there are some other things i need to address as well, the rex shown has to much brown, was hoping it wouldn't show up much but alas it did :(, BUT he has a nice healthy 3.5 month old daughter that iam keeping for breeding, she might be a little more photogenic. and i agree with the flemish paragraph it did seem a little akward, but i could not hit the nail on the head. will run through it again, I appreciate your time and effort!
Very nice site! I like how clean it looks... not a lot of jumble. I also really liked the rabbit photos on the hay! Cuteness.
The only thing I would change (if I can be crazy OCD) would be a few minor punctuation corrections on the home page:

"Welcome to Jolly's Rabbits home page. My wife and I (Jake & Holly, hence the name Jolly) started raising rabbits in 2011 and have since have expanded our rabbitry to include the rabbits we most enjoy working with. We currently have 5 different breeds including Americans, Californians, Dwarf Hotot, Flemish Giants, and Rex. We raise and breed year-round for meat, show and pet rabbits and are conveniently located in Southern California."
Definitely looks nice! Thanks for sharing! And wishing all the luck with your Rabbitry.

Beautiful Flemish, BTW.

ZRabbits":2z7wskwj said:
Definitely looks nice! Thanks for sharing! And wishing all the luck with your Rabbitry.

Beautiful Flemish, BTW.


I will let Rusty know you think so! :D
that rabbit is so awesome, he will actually headbutt my hand if i dont pet him everytime i feed him or open his cage. lol, i cant wait to see if he gets any bigger he 7 months right now.
The head butting must be a trait. lol That's how our 4 month old gets my husband's attention for lots of "butt" scratching. Can't wait myself to see how big ours gets. The Flemish is just a completely different experience.

Look forward to seeing Rusty full grown. Love his coloring and will be interested to see the final mature coat. Fawkes coloring has really been changing. He's got Sandy and Fawn in his background.
