Our New Pupple

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2012
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I wanted to share about our new Pupple we brought home yesterday. Really was not planning on more dogs right now, buttttt my friend texted me last week asking me if I wanted another husky.

Then she showed me a picture and that right there made me say yes. My friend rescued her from a sort of puppy mill. The lady like dogs but just did not want to care for them. So my poor girl was skin and bones by the time she was saved.

Fast forward to today, she's doing great we re named her Chinook. She's a bit food aggessvie, and snapps at your hands when you try to feed her treats but things that we can work on. Our other husky was exactly like that when we first got her, just not as bad.

She still has some weight to gain, but my friend did an amazing job with the short time she had her.

Sweet as Pie I must say, a huge cuddle bug. My son loves her, and keeps telling me nook nook is his dog lol.

My husband is almost postive from his reserach and experience that she is not a purebred husky but a HuskyXWolf hybrid. But they still make wonderful family dogs when trained right, plus we never ever leave our son alone with our dogs no matter how trustworthy they are.

Sorry so big. I'm photobucket challenged. That program hates me lol.




What a cute girl! :) You might be able to find out exactly what she is with one of the doggie DNA tests that they sell, but I would call the company first.
I can look at adorable husky pups all day long and never covet them, lol. She's beautiful!
How old is she, she's tiny! No way there's 'wolf' in her. What makes him think there is? There's a lot of sled dog breeds she could be mixed with and her personality has little to do with her being wolf or not. Can you contact the 'breeder' and find out from them?

She's cute, though.
She is adorable. I am not being rude, but I see no wolf. I see husky and GSD. The obvious husky, and the ears, masking on the face, and brown shading make me think GSD.

IF she has wolf in her, it is not going to show up on any DNA test that I know of. The most accurate and one I have most experience with is the Wisdom Insights Mixed Breed DNA test. If it is an AKC recognized breed then they can test for it. NEVER 100% rely on a DNA test, but it CAN give you a better idea of what you are working with :)

If it came from a puppy mill/byb I am more willing to bet on the husky/shepherd than husky/wolf.
She is pretty! My kids have been begging for a husky for years, so far I have resisted. :dogsled: but I feel the restince fading, maybe just maybe after a couple of the older ones pass away...
I'm not going to spend any money on a DNA test, because it matters not what she is. I have no plans to breed her, she's actually getting fixed as soon as shes old enough.

I will not be contacting the breeder, I have no nice things to say to her and do not trust myself to even be civil.

He thinks that because he has had a dog like her years ago that looked just like her. But my friend said the lady said Purebred, so chances are that probably what she is now that I look at her more. Huskys do come in all shapes and sizes, short hair and long hair.

No possible GSD the lady did not have any of that breed around per my friend. The brown will most likely fade as she gets older. My other husky had the same thing and I have papers on her.

She is three months old born October 4th/

Thanks no matter what she is, she's a doll and I love her already even though shes a stinker butt.

I actually really do not like puppy's lol, so I cannot wait until she gets older.

Jessica R: Husky's are wonderful family dogs. People told us they are wayyy to energetic to be house dogs but my first one is excellent, so well mannered. The only down side is they are far to smart lol and mechevious. If she can get in trouble she will.
I think huskies are gorgeous dogs, but my mum has one, and she is an ill tempered beast(the dog, not my mum!) I mean, I like her well enough, but her attitude has made huskies a "pretty to look at, but not for me" breed for me.
I am to MSD. She most likely would have starved to death. Now she gets to sleep in a warm house, and will eventually realize she will always get meals with us.

Going to get her to the vet as soon as I can. It's sounding like it's going to cost me 200 + for getting her fixed but she's worth it.

Now if Only I can get this potty training down.

I hear you Bad Habit. I think huskies are not for everyone, they are very gorgeous to look at. I am very fortunate that my first one is very well mannered, polite, a big goof. But she can never be taken of a leash, ever Nor is she good around cats or rabbits and has been raised with both.

I have to run with her daily or I pay for it later on. And they blow their coat twice a year and I mean it's like a garbage bag full of fur.
LOL My mum is always complaining about the tumbleweeds. And Rickards looks mangy because of the huge clumps hanging off her.

I know the problem with Rickards was not enough training early on. I know that I would be more likely than them to succeed with a husky. I just don't think they're the right dog for me, and while I love looking at and petting them, it's an easy choice. I like best a dog that wants to make me happy, not one that's so independent and intelligent!

We're not sure about Rickards' heritage, we can just go on what she looks like and what the shelter says. The entire litter of pups was found in a box on the road side at 6wks old. For all we know she's pure, her and all her sibs looked like huskies. She looks like a husky, and has all of the breed listed traits. We don't care, she's spayed and 11 years old now, lol.
That is the one thing that stops me from getting a husky. I have cats, rabbits, and chickens, I would hate for them to be killed by my own dog. Maybe when I have more time to devote to training I would so get one in a second. Right now too many other animals and kids activities going on.

I dont mind fur, my shelties blow coat pretty good twice a year, you learn to live with fur everywhere :lol: Plus the first dog i had was a german shepherd, chow, wolf mix talk about tumbleweeds! :tumbleweed:
I really don't have carpets in my house, so it's no real biggy about hair. I brush Alaska my first pup once a day, that seems to help keep any amount of shedding to a low.

I would agree they are highly independent and extremely smart which makes keeping them hard at times. I went through two of those dog cables because she chewed through them. So I switched to a light chain that was suggested, she somehow figured out how to weaken it and broke that.

Our landlord has agreed to let us put up a fence, but it really has to be put up just right because they dig like crazy and can jump high.

Constant training is a must! When they are bad you have to act on it right away. So far we are pretty fortunate with Alaska that she is so well behaved and she will be a year in March but it takes constant work to get her the way she is.

Right now I have not given her the chance to kill, but I know if she could she would in a heartbeat. Not because we taught her, but because it's just her instinct. Not all are like that but from all the people i know with them they have similar problems.

We definatly stick to the pack rule in our house. My husband and I are the alphas, and then my son, and then the dogs are under us. We make them submitt to us, if we dident they would control us and thats not acceptable in our house. So I would say we are a bit strict with our dogs but in order to keep peace we have too. It's kind of funny, but we do growl at them lol but they respond.

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