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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Jun 10, 2015
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
We have a couple of dogs :

This is Bo, our 8-yr old shepherd / collie mix :

And Pugsley, our 9-yr old pug/beagle mix :

We got both of these dogs for free from Kijiji ads.

And this is my 15+-yr old cat, Butterscoth :

She came from the Humane Society - she was roughly 6 months old, and we were her 6th owners.
She's friendly, but not social - definitely not a lap-cat by any means !

And we have 9 of these chiliean rodents - Degus - in three cages

We also have 4 running aquariums (75g, 20g, and 2x 5g)
What a nice troop of pets you have sharing your home!

I am very impressed by Pugsly- usually people that have pugs overfeed them and for that reason I don't much care for them past their puppy stage. But Pugsly is still the handsome dog he should be. :judges:

What kind of fish do you have in your aquariums? I used to have cichlids and eels in my 100 gallon tank, but it has been empty for many years now. :( I miss having fish.
MamaSheepdog":kjbnaso3 said:
What kind of fish do you have in your aquariums? I used to have cichlids and eels in my 100 gallon tank, but it has been empty for many years now. :( I miss having fish.

One 5-gallon aquarium is kept going as a quarantine / hospital tank - nothing in it but a few snails.

One 5-gallon aquarium has one male betta fish.

20-gallon has an albino bristlenose pleco, a couple sunset platies, a dwarf gourami, and shrimp.

75-gallon has an angelfish, sunset platies, rummynose tetras, diamond tetras, corydoras, bristlenose plecos, and blue-eyed chiclids
HOWsMom":22e4x7w6 said:
It's because he's a cross, not a pure pug I think.

Er... no. At least that isn't the case with the pugs I'm talking about. They are all ten or more pounds overweight and look appalling.

Besides, Beagles have a tendency to get fat while under the care of "too loving owners" too.

He looks good because you are a good caretaker. :yes:

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