I have/had silverfox, lilacs, americans, rex, french angoras, Flemish crosses, new zealands, mixes of most of those, and a lot of just plain mutts. (I like colors)
For non-intensive backyard purposes they all seemed to work out just about as well.
I had to worry about the rex feet more, and their personalities were touchier.
The rex, lilac, and angora didn't growout as fast as the new Zealand, FG or SF crosses.
The French angora were easily the sweetest, but that fur is high maintenance on top of taking extra time to growout. Great color possibilities.
I like the lilacs best of those three, and would do more of them. Very well put together commercial type bodies and wonderfully dense fur. Very nice personalities and the lineup of doubled recessives: self, chocolate and dilute means they can throw a rainbow of colors.
Americans have nicer fur then I would have expected, but I don't care for mandolin type.
I like meat bricks.
I did get great growth on SF and love the fur, but my crosses with them have all been steels or visual selfs, so I haven't gotten the color rainbow I thought they would produce for me.