Optimum Height For J-Feeders?

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Oct 23, 2013
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Since I'll need to cut the front of the cage(s) what is the ideal height to cut the front of the cage that will accommodate both adult rabbits and kits? Cut the bottom 1"-2" high row? the 2"-3" row up from the bottom row?" Or more simply just specify how high top of the pellets should be above the cage floor. I want to get this right the first time. I have Bass' 11.5" Fine-X Wide-Mouth feeders for my Giant Chins. Thanks...
grumpy":3nmmlot4 said:
Standard meat rabbit feeders are set at 4" off the floor.
W/Giant Chins....I'm not sure.

Is the BOTTOM of the J-feeder at 4" above the floor, or is the TOP of the feeder at 4" above the floor. If it's the bottom, then wouldn't the pellet level actually be at about 6" above the floor? (Could kits reach them at that height?).
I think by the time they are actually eating pellets (close to the three week mark) they should have no trouble standing on their hind legs to eat them. We have New Zealand rabbits, and the Bass flush mount feeders. We put them at 6" above the floor (the bottom of the feeder), except that in the working does cages we have two feeders, one at 6" and one at 4". While there are no babies in there we only put pellets in the higher one.

To translate that to J feeders, the top of the feeding trough would be at 4" or 6" - at least that's what I would do. I believe what Grumpy was saying is that the top of the feeding trough would be at 4". Having them higher up makes digging harder to do and makes it harder for a bun to use the feeder as a toilet!
The bottom's 4" off the floor. I usually try "not" to cut any of the baby-saver
wire out of the pen. Sorry, I should have been more explicit in my thoughts.

Once the kits begin snooping around for something to eat, I believe they
could "jump" into a feeder a lot higher than that.

I am riding in Grumpy's boat on this!
I likt to place my {J} feeders with the bottom 4 inches up.
I do not see any problem with the kits getting to the feed.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer: