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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
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I'm currently working on getting what rabbits I raise for meat, onto our restaurants menu. Well, technically not on the menu, but we'd run a once a week rabbit special. We've picked out a couple recipes that we think will work nicely, tested them, and we're all set. I've been saving a handful of friers, waiting to send to a processor around here, and have all my ducks in a row after working with our county extension guy for our state. He's answered all my questions, and I'm all set. My only problem holding us up is that none of the state inspected facilities around here will do rabbits, they all tell me they have enough business with beef and pork. :evil: My local butcher was going to let me use his commercial processing room, but then backed out after his insurance told him no. The nearest rabbit processor is the next state over, and doesn't make it financially feasible to serve rabbit. I've got one more processor to call, and I know he'll do the rabbits, but we've done business with him before, and we weren't happy with his services. I'll use him as a last resort if I have to.

Anyone in WI know of a state inspected facility that will process rabbits?
Why dont you look into what is required by the state to slaughter rabbits?

Since you already operate a restraunt I bet the certification wouldn't be too much additional trouble.
Thanks Kyle. :)

Dood, do you mean process them in our restaurant kitchen area, or set something up at home here?

I doubt they would permit slaughter in the restaurant - cross contamination concerns etc.. but you already understand hygiene required to keep food safe and it is my understanding ( at least here in Ontario) that you just need a room that can be thoroughly disinfected with no porous surfaces and a plan for waste management. If you keep it small and only do one species - rabbits- you don't need to jump through as many hoops to get permission. You will likely need a course on how to decide if meat should be condemned but other than that you likely already know the rest.
Do you have a back room at the restaurant that you could use? set it up so it's easy to wash down. Counter, sink, etc. And get certification? You will have inspectors come occasionally though. But I am sure you are used to that with the restaurant.<br /><br />__________ Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:14 am __________<br /><br />Oh. Dood said it first. LOL