One of these things isn't like the others....

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2013
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Alberta Canada
Penny's 10 day olds with Daisy's fostered new born

We flipped Penny and got the newby to nurse a bit. Think the 10 days is too much of an age gap? Daisy has 4 kits this is the only one that was alive. She had them scattered all over her cage.

If it doesnt work out the little one will join the stillborns in FC.
Aww! I can't wait to see what the heavily marked broken looks like when it is older- the head markings are really interesting.

I'm not sure how the little one will do with the big kits. Have you considered just bringing the solo kit's nest box into the house and taking him out morning and evening to feed? Once his eyes open he would be safe outside I would think.

You can rebreed Daisy now, even if she nurses the one kit. I hope she has a better outcome next time. :clover:
Wyldrose":c0kcabey said:
If it doesnt work out the little one will join the stillborns in FC.

You put the stillborns in the freezer? Is that just for dog or snake meat?
phillinley":1feizwq8 said:
Wyldrose":1feizwq8 said:
If it doesnt work out the little one will join the stillborns in FC.

You put the stillborns in the freezer? Is that just for dog or snake meat?
For my snakes. I have 1 boa constritor, 4 ball pytons and 22 cornsnakes. Plus my savanah monitor will likely eat them too.
She looks way too small, I'd at least flip the doe for her for a couple of days. That gray one is also huge!
Yep Fatty Patty(haha) is 6.3 oz! The rest of her litter are 4.8oz, 5 oz and 5 oz. The newby is 1.3oz.

We tried flipping Penny and the baby nursed a bit I will try again in the morning. I will pair Daisy up with Lion again and maybe try a smaller cage to have them in. Right now she lives in my daughters room in a puppy play pen.
the kit looks fed in the picture. I'd take a wait and see how she does approach. I've fostered singletons into older litters before and had them thrive. Wait and see how she does....might be just fine.
I set the newby up in the nest box with Daisy, she jumped in, dug and stomped around in it... I took it out and she lunged at me and bit me. Crazy hormonal doe!!!
So the newby is back in with the 10 day olds, thankfully he didn't get hurt!
I tried to rebreed Daisy and she just grunted at Lion, so I'll try again tomorrow.<br /><br />__________ Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:03 am __________<br /><br />Daisy lifted this morning for Lion. Newby is looking good, not super full but warm and safe with his 1/2 sibs.
Little one has not gainined any weight since birth, still 1.3 oz :( I tried flipping both does today, I put him under Penny and gave her a treat and no big fat bell. I'm going to give it one more day and then it's time to say good bye too it. Penny's kits are all growing and gaining weight, her largest kit is 7.6oz now.
Sorry to hear that is isn't gaining any weight.. But also happy to hear that your other ones are doing good!
The little one lost weight over night so we decided the only fair thing to do was say goodbye.

Atleast we tried.
So sorry Wyldrose.

Sometimes, despite doing all we can, it isn't enough. Those times hurt.


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