I have a doe that is due today.... She had one baby this morning around 630 am.. It was on the wire , very cold and it was still alive.Making lots of noises.. I put in my PJs to warm it up... the rabbit didn't make a nest or pull any fur.. I took her out and started pull some fur off of her.. I took the baby and wrapped it up in the fur.. It was warming up ok.. I put it in a small container as I knew she wasn't done... Well I am still waiting.. she keeps on scratching in one corner of her cage .. She will do the hay mustache .. but then drops it. it is now 4 pm.. Still nothing. I have to keep watching her so I can grab the babies as she has them on the wire.. I hate when rabbits are bad moms... this is not her first litter either. So I am on bunny watch..I don't think I am going to get much sleep tonight. :evil: