OMG it was hot today...hit 109F !!!

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Joe n TN

Well-known member
May 25, 2012
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Central Texas
It took me putting a frozen 1 liter water bottle in the cages three times today to get everyone through this heat today. I was a little worried when it hit 109 and rubbed ice on two sets of ears for about 10 minutes each. I thought it was bad when it was hot enough that 2 sets of water bottles barely got them through the day, this was worse today.

I was going to breed on the first, NOT going to now. It looks like everything will stay on hold until at least August 1st. I never imagined we would get this intense of heat for such a long period. It's been over 95F for a week (mostly been over 100F) and will be for at least another week and no real break in the weather on the horizon.

How's everyone else's livestock doing? Hope all is well,

It was miserable here also. I finally put my pair of Californians in plastic cat carriers and brought them inside. I just got them this spring and haven't gotten a litter from them yet, I don't want to lose them!

I can't remember when it rained last. I'm just trying to keep everything alive until this ends.

I wish I could put 40 plus rabbits in the house. The problem is it's not any cooler in the house. These guys are just going to have to weather it out.
It's been mid- to upper-90s here. When it starts rubbing against 100*, we put ice bottles out. Thankfully, we seem to have rabbits that can take it. Not that they're happy about it, but they've been alright so far.

We are watching them carefully, though.

Even if I hadn't suspended breeding because we're moving, I'd suspend it due to this heat. I'd be too afraid I'd lose a doe. :(
My problem is two-fold -- not enough water bottles to swap out twice a day and the freezers can't get them cold fast enough! If I don't have the bottles in the freezer before 5pm, they won't be solid by morning. Ugh!

Since mine are on pasture, I've started pour 5 gallon buckets of cold well water onto the ground in front of them. They get wet, the ground stays cooler and hopefully it helps a little. But that's a lot of hauling for someone with a bad back.
Miss M":288ha2aw said:
Even if I hadn't suspended breeding because we're moving, I'd suspend it due to this heat. I'd be too afraid I'd lose a doe. :(
I just had my mind changed in the Breeding Heat Resistance thread.
Could an extra brown salt spool help? My rabbits (who are still on pellets) have gotten very interested in their spools.
I have water bottles, but also have ice in the water bowls. One of my rabbits actually crunches on the ice cubes and did not want to come inside the second day! One of the three guinea pigs also prefers his outdoor cage, even in this heat.
I did give up and brought my plush, lop in - he was getting weepy eyes and a wet nose - sometimes by 88 degrees. For three days, I would bring him in and take in back out after dark. For the last two days, he has put out all four legs and does not want out of the indoor cage, so I have accommodate him - inside.
No way do I breed past June first, and at this time, I am rethinking about that NLT date and possibly moving it back another 10-15 days. It's just too much pressure to put on a doe during extremes in heat and humidity around here. All it takes is one long, sustained hot spell to wipe out what you've worked so hard for.

We're actually supposed to cool down to about 98-99 degrees for the next couple of days, before the mercury is supposed to go back into the hundreds for the forseeable future.

I did go to a show in Central TN yesterday where the temperature was measured at 108 degrees. When I got home last night, the AC unit's 5-gallon deumidifier drain bucket was overflowing. I had emptied it 19 hours before, just before I left for the show. It's now safe to say that it's my last show for the season. The next show date is late September.

By any chance was that the Dickson, TN show? I almost went yesterday. It would have been my first rabbit show ever, but I would have only been going as a spectator, and still would have been first time for me. The heat made me stay home as I knew I would need to be home changing water bottles.

I might go to the show in Hopkinsville, KY this fall. I think that is the next one close to me.

Back to the heat, it is only supposed to hit 101 today and there seems to be a light breeze. It's still going to be a scorcher but hopefully a little less than yesterday.

Yes, that was the Dickson, TN show. There were alot of breeders who had backed out of the show because of the heat, and their secretary told me after the show that they barely broke even on it.
I lost three does early to this extended heat wave. None since then. However, it's hammered the kits between 10-17 days old. It hit 105 degrees yesterday.

Major adjustments are in the beginning stages before this upcoming year. This weather is extreme....but who's to say it is an anomaly. With the mild winter we had, and now this extreme heat, we may well be dealing with a change that may or may not become a fact of life.

It's better to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. This has opened my eyes to the possibility of a climate change where adjustments will have to be made in order to be successful. If I'm wrong....then no harm will come. But, the rabbitry will be better suited to withstand these types of extremes.

As I type, the eastern sky is bright and sunny (HOT) and the western sky is filled with dark angry clouds. Thunder is ominous and unending. Hopefully, it is headed my way. Relief from this oppressive heat will be a welcomed change.
We're a few days ahead of you on the monsoon front. I hope you get soaked like we did. Even though the sun is just as hot the next day, the wet ground cools everything off
My rabbits seems to be OK even with record 105 yesterday but I think I got heat exhaustion. Had back and leg cramps all night. It might have been the first time for the AC to run nonstop.

Hooray! One more day left till a break in the heat wave.
I went out every so often to spray the rabbits, I had to spray myself every 20 minutes or so. Some things just had to get done, and generally I tolerate the heat very well, but when I got in afterwards, I was so hot I couldn't even feel the AC unit. I had major leg cramps when I got up this morning.

So far, so good. But most of my rabbits are under two years old too.
Usually a quarter teaspoon of salt will stop leg cramps. Also, drinking plenty of water during the day will help to combat it.
Its been up to 97-99 and humid today as well,We had some sprinkles this am but not enought to amount to anything.Luckily I have not lost anyone (Yet) the youngest kits are 4 weeks and seem to be handling the heat ok they are in a ground level cage. the FG Kits are doing alright as well. Some people I know, 2 seperate families 1 lost 10 the other lost 7 yesterday. I Iced em down earlier today fed earlier gave more water and covered em earlier today as well. Fingers and toes crossed here for now. Im sorry to all you who have lost rabbits :(