Ok guys I need your advise and expertise

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2013
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new england
SO I have a NZW doe when i got her she had a poopy behind, after I had her I fed her all types of grass, feed, seeds, EVERYTHING and got her gut adjusted, Gave her a lot of bread, and blackberry leaves and it cleared up....NOW shes 3 weeks preg, and Its happening again, all dried up poop on her but and stuff UGH , WHAT do I do, wash her? shave her? what should I feed her? I cut back on the alfalfa hay and greens, shes also VERY testy cause shes preg and throws her paws out at me...I want to choke her lol ( not really...but really lol) Shes due On sept 7th so I do have some time to mess with her.....THANKS GUYS

Aldo<br /><br />__________ Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:06 pm __________<br /><br />Oh Also her poop looks like A lot of Cecal poop, Could I be over feeding her or is it just diarrhea
The best greens for poopy butt are the lawn weeds plantain (Plantago major or Plantago lanceolate) and shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris). Also the leaves of blackberry, raspberry and strawberry are great as well. I would give these plus kitchen oatmeal and grass hay until it clears up and then reintroduce the alfalfa hay slowly.
oh good...I have TONSof plantain....Ive been giving them to my nursing doe lol...darn, Ive also beenfeeding TONS of dandelion and that seemed to help....I was at my cousins house and the next door house is for sale and empty....they had dandelion on steriods, HUGE succulent plants, I got a garbage bag full lol...they all ate well for a few days
In that case, I'd say lots of plantain and blackberry leaves plus the kitchen oatmeal and grass hay. It will likely clear up in a day or two. Dandelions are an excellent green feed, but they are slightly laxative so I would not give them to her at present. It is possible that the large amounts of greens you gathered from that house next door to your cousin's place contributed to the doe's problem - simple overindulgence.
i think so!!Imgonna cleanher behind and try to get her to eat more pellets, sonce shes been eating fresh she doesnt fancy them too much, good on the wallet but not on her healrh, I think lol shes also a pudgy thing... ive been giving less bead also, she really likes it lol.. I got italian rabbits lol pass the pasta
You can also try giving her a bit of plain canned pumpkin- or if you have any type of winter squash, you could give that instead.

I don't know if it is as effective raw as steamed, but you could test it out for us! :p
HMMM canned pumpkin, I thought that was supposed to induce diarrhea , I remember our vet had me give it to the dog, so she would get the runs to pass bones she ate,,,???