Oh Ick! PUSS!

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Well-known member
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Cumbria, UK
In the last two days I have processed 18 rabbits but after I killed the last one and went to hang it, I found puss on my arm!

All noses clean, all bodies clean and no signs of anything wrong.

It took me awhile but I finally found the abscess. Or abscesses!


She was a large mini rex doe and, in all the time we have had her, she had always had sore feet. Well, as she had several abscesses on each back foot and a few healed scars on her front feet, no wonder her feet hurt her!

Am a bit worried now, I have one doe sneezing but its a dry sneeze and only started when the tree over the rabbits started blooming. And my eyes are sore and sticky now too so I am hoping that we are both allergic to it and she doesn't have the dreaded P word!<br /><br />__________ Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:35 pm __________<br /><br />Well, her meat looked good so its in the freezer along with her sister. Liver and all were good too. And yummy!

Am tanning her hide as it was so pretty, broken black and soft soft soft.

And guess what? I see I have a STAR!!!
Aw, poor bun! :(

It sounds like the other one could very well have allergies. One of my does started sneezing when we turned on the fan Shay had just installed. :?

And Happy Twirly Star!!! :p
Yay for my twirly star! My son spotted it and asked what is that star for and why are you dancing around the room now mummy?

Am about to go move three cages and put the sneezing girl into one on her own and see how she gets on. No snot, no discharge, no distress, just the odd sneeze here and there.

I still feel bad about the other one though, I had given her a resting platform and her feet were a nice healed pink color but I should have looked closer perhaps. But even then I might have missed it, they were well hidden.

It was a bad moment in time to look down and see that kind of puss on my arm and wonder OMG WHERE did THAT come from???

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