Oh Happy Day!!!!

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
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Just came home after a very long day of running errands, to find all the bunnies hopping around their cages like crazy, and sooooo happy the heat has finally come to an end (for now anyway :? )! It's nice and cool in the barn, and the fans can finally take a break! :D

An added bonus, my most favorite doe finally gave in, and had a nice surprise for me in her nest box when we got home! Lots of fur pulling, and 7 wiggly, very nice sized kits!! YAY!!! :bouncy:
Woo Hoo! COngrats! Glad the heat wave has broken by you. Here in NJ, still boiling. Today, it will be the hottest day this week. I might get to 100, but it'll be hanging around there in the high 90's. YAY! The air conditioner and forzen water bottles are keeping the buns cool.
Thanks everybody! :) What a change! To go from heat and humidity, to cool wind, and overcast skies. It's a welcome change though, we have a family wedding this weekend, and will be gone from the house real early, then getting home real late. We have a critter sitter staying in the house to care for animals so we won't have to worry about that, and she won't have to worry about anything except keeping everyone fed! I was so worried about that, that she'd have to deal with the heat!

I bet your bunnies think they're living in the lap of luxury Trevor!!! :lol:
Congrats on the babies!!

It is so crazy hearing you all talk about this heat... I am sitting in my house with a sweater on. We didn't turn the heater on last night because my kids were staying at my sisters for the night and this morning we got up and the house was 61 degrees.... We have had mostly rain and colder weather... I am not complaining though, I still have nice green grass and a low water bill...
Woohooo congratulations on the popples! I recently found out why they are called popples :eek:
Thank you everyone!! :D Just got back late last night from a VERY long, and tiring weekend! My little sister is officially married, and I no longer have to stress about wearing that awful Matron of Honor dress! :lol: It was a beautiful wedding, and she made a gorgeous bride, I'm so happy for her!

The weather has been so much more comfortable here these last days, and looking like we have a few more this week before going back into the heat.

OneAcreFarm":3fvlxz35 said:
AHEM! Pictures?...... :whistle:

HeeHee! I will get some in the next couple days, as soon as I get caught up from our weekend! They are cute cute cute, and all doing well!! My Cali is a good mommy. :)