Observations on does mothering....

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
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near London, Ontario
So right now I have about 7 does on kits right now.

1. Kendra - rescue doe, raising 6 kits, lost one through no fault of her own. Kits are fat and sassy, she's as sweet as pie UNLESS I clean her cage. that for some reason makes her growl, but not a nasty bone in her body. Pouring herself into her kits. I give all my does a grain/boss supplement when nursing....this doe needs it I think. granted she's coping with a lot....coming from a warm house, to outdoor living, raising kits in a new environment etc.

2. Carrie - one of my smaller Mini rex does. I was going to switch out her litter for a smaller litter but with Catcher being neurotic and Kendra being a first time mom I rethought that all and decided I'd give her a go, she's raising nine kits fairly well. She's eating much more than normal, but isn't losing condition at all. Very sweet doe, doesn't care what I do at all

3. Nellie - Miss attack monster that scared me more than once, is finally now that her kits are starting to pop out of the box, becoming easier to work with. I still need to watch her closely as she WILL BITE. Her kits are I to work at catching, they are a bit hand shy.

4. Catcher - wow...Miss nervous nellie. She is SO worried about everything I do. She growls and rushes, and jumps on her kits to protect them from me. What a wreck! I have to talk and talk and talk to her when I'm down at her end of the tent just to keep her chilled out. I don't trust her, but I think she'd hesitate to actually grab me with her teeth, she's more nervous nellie, help me know you aren't going to hurt me or the kits.

5. Curly - smallest MR I have. Always and forever a darling with me and her kits. A very tolerant doe. Fout kits, happy friendly little things.

6. Rosie - Holland lop. Always has 3-4 kits, with one always being tiny. Just a dollie. Takes her a couple days to get into the act of being a mom, but her kits always seem to manage just fine. and like always, half of the litter is in your face love me, and the other half is "hey, who you and why you bugging me?"

7. Bluebelle - a harle doe, I removed her boys this week as she was just starting to look a little harried by the six kits. Just has two girls left with her. This doe just poured herself into her babies and now that she has only the two, she's starting to regain condition quickly. She was looking so rough I wormed her a couple weeks ago but saw no results to that. I think she was really caring for her kits. Lovely sweet kits.

Oh...almost forgot 8. Tanner. This girlie surprised me. Never saw her bred, but she kindled 30 days after she was first exposed to a buck. Five kits. Doing a good job. Not a worry handling her kits at all, though she's not a big eater. Her kits out of the box really early but they continue to grow well.

oohohoh... and my POLISH darling! Dorie. Nice steady mom. But being out of the tent and in the house has encouraged her "you are a stranger tendencies". and she's a big cage so has no issues staying far from me. Her kits are friendly as long as I'm slow and quiet. Speed makes them bolt and cower. Saturday they are heading out to the tent again and then Lucy darling will be coming in. She's been a good first time mom despite her terror at being in the house.

I find it interesting observing my does. I'm sure other people seem similar things, but sometimes writing it down makes you think on it a bit more. :)
That's really interesting; it's funny how different they can be! You mentioned some 10 does there, and each has her own approach, fears, and personality! :)
Just like human moms! They're all different. I don't think that I have noticed anywhere near as much variation with my rabbits, but then most of my does have been daughters and granddaughters of my matriarch doe, Patches and seemed to learn or inherit her mothering style. It's interesting just how different various strains of rabbits can be.