I got my two rabbits (male and female) when they were bunnys, and they've lived together ever since. I didn't get either spayed, and although didn't plan on having kits, figured it'd happen at one point or another. My female built a nest in the upper level of their cage a few days ago, but since they've always lived together, I don't really know if or when she got pregnant. I don't have a separate cage, but I locked my female in the upper level where she built her nest to keep them separate. Problem is it's quite small, and I don't want to keep her locked in there if she's not pregnant. The nest has some fur scattered, but its not much. I noticed that she wasn't getting the fur from herself, rather than from my male so thats another reason I decided to separate them. I haven't noticed anymore fur since I separated them. Guessing it's cause she doesn't wanna pull out her own. But she DID tear up a piece of rope that was dangling near the cage to use as a form of bedding. Anyways they're separated now, should I keep them separate or wait for more signs until i separate them? Also what materials can I give her to tear up for bedding?