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$376 in the green. Minus 2 buns at 70....I have a problem...I'm sorry...

Currently $306 in the green.
Now waiting on sf choc decision.

Looking better once home!
Younger's parents are both from SunStone Orchard and Rabbitry. 🤷🏽‍♀️ No pedigree, so who knows. Blue sire, broken dams, one of which is black. Looking back at our messages, younger is probably a start of December baby.
$306 in the green. 22 in poo, had to use a bag this time, too.

Currently $328 in the green.

I'm thinking one more fill up and then the pots will be finished. Then I'll start saving again to list to sell.
Moved Navy kits to Jet. Second time she's "fostering" a litter. Previous was Berry's kits just a few weeks ago. It's nice that they don't care, as long as they still have their own litter there.

Gotta play musical cages again with the culls. Then I'll have room for Navy litter to be separate. Though, it's not necessary with the huge size difference and fur types.

Finally about to have a day secured for the choc sf. Gotta cull out the others to make room this weekend!
7.70# roughly, biggest of them, same dob as my fast growing litter that is now 9#.
Pedigreed, unknown shape. Hopefully a decent buck.
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Updated the posing area with a light. Really helps!
Latest weights on Cruella keeper doe and buck. Buck refused to pose, peed all over the place.....
Hideous, but I need a quick growing 2nd rex buck! Table just covered in pee, thanks, bud.
Slower, but not hideous, not great either, though...
Biggest in Jet's second litter is a buck, by a lot. But he seems blah shaped. Others look better.
1st litter, I kept one doe, Chick. Very minimal weights recorded...
8wk, 2.67#
10wk, 3.74#
16wk4d, 6.67#

Comparing to 2nd litter....
9wk, 3.85 to 4.92
10wk, 4.53 to 5.51
11wk, 4.74, 4.88 & 5.75

Based on weights, Chick should be replaced by either the buck or the doe. But she's currently a proven mom. Thinking of holding back the biggest buck. They're only related by dam, sires are different.

Biggest buck wouldn't pose-
Biggest doe, 2nd biggest in litter.
We'll see if we can get anything pretty out of this guy.

$328 in the green. Minus 75 in bun. Plus 170 in poo sales.

Currently $423 in the green.

Put Penny's kits out to explore.
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One bun got behind the cages. Idk how and neither did she.
See? Baffled expression.
Bent metal flashing for more extended hoppers.
I hate how dirty everything looks, turn around and BOOM filth...

And the chocolate Rex. One has damaged ears, calling her Tippy. Need another name to rhyme with that....Ideas? My brain goes to flippy, but that's dumb. Lol
They argued on the first day, but have now become bffs. Idk if Tippy wants to share her mat, but siblings are always a pain, so it tracks.
I've seen people on FB claim they feed their rabbits just corn, only sweet feed, horse feed, hog feed, so on....
So...In an effort to save some dough on winter culls, I decided to experiment.
I tried cracked corn on some culls the last two weeks. They ate it eventually and had no gas, no diarrhea. Excellent. But they did experience weight loss. Darn.
Corn only has 8% protein, if that. Without much of anything else. I knew it was futile, but had some left over to test with, so why not.
I then decided to look into other feeds that might be similar to rabbit feed, minus the high cost.
Horse is way too expensive, same with fowl. Straight hay pellets are also crazy expensive. Eventually, I found sweet feed, 12%, for a steal of a deal. $7.5 less per bag, plus 10lbs extra. It's only 6% less in protein, or 3% less if you feed a 15% rabbit feed, so, it's not nearly as useless as straight corn.
I do worry about the sugar content, but the other values seem decent enough to the rabbit feed I use.
I started this second experiment last night. We will see if they get diarrhea, gas or if they loose weight in the coming week.
During the warm seasons, I feed a ton of greens to reduce the bill. I wanted something for winter. Hay doesn't work out.

Anyone experiment as well?
