Since feed continues to only go up in price, I have a ton of meat in the freezer & I'm currently breeding for fast growth, it doesn't make much sense to grow out the whole litter. So, I'll weigh the Amber litter & mark the 2 biggest. The rest of them will be culled 2× a day for the LGDs. The culls from yesterday will also be dogfood, as I have no space for them in the freezer. 7 culls.
It looks like Grumpy's 2nd litter grew faster, so, I'll see if the biggest doe in the litter is in the top 3, if so, she'll replace the previously kept Grumpy doe kit. Rest will be dog food. 6 culls.
#11's kits, besides the biggest kit, will be put in the freezer. 4 culls.
The 1st litter doe, Speckle, was bred, we'll see if being a hussy was a good sign or not next month.
I don't think Grumpy is bred. Going to wait until next week to rebreed her. Waited an extra week to breed Lynx & 14. Will do the same with the others, just to slow things down slightly.
#11 made a nest yesterday. Hoping for healthy, live kits. Maybe more of them & that they all grow as fast as the previous litter!
17 off the feedbill over the next week. Rarely cold enough for long term to cull all in one go & cold store them outside. But! Next year, I'll have the current freezer just for rabbits & lamb.
Moved 3 bags of feed into the bin in the barn. 1 left in storage.