Not a great mom, how many chances does she get?

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2012
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British Columbia
So I have this one stunning siamese sable doe, her name is Sasquatch, she was one of 3 kits born in my first litter when I got started almost 2 years ago, the only one I kept. She has lost 2 litters now, I had her outside and she had them out of her nest the first time and pushed them out of the nest the second time. Healthy babies, just born in the night and died of cold before I came out in the morning, I think she is so proud of her beautiful nest she forgets what It's for. Her mother lost a litter before she figured it out and is an amazing mom now, Sasquatch, or Sass, should be due but I'm starting to think she didn't take as she is more playing in her hay then nest building.

I'm starting to think of letting her go as I'm limited to a breeding group of 6, and some of the new pedigree kits are stunning, but I do like the sable colouring.
We shall see how she does on her next litter.
two strikes and you are out.

if your other rabbits are doing the job and she is not, why waste the feed and time on her? If you want her genetics... then breed two or three does at the same time (or work with a rabbitry friend who has some rabbits and breed at the same time they do) so that you can be prepared to foster kits over.

I'd also (if you are very desirous of having her kits) bring her inside a couple days before she's due to a quiet, basically ignored spot, let her kindle so the kits have a better chance to survive.
She finally had her litter! One, one wee little thing that I hope makes it!
I had brought her in two weeks ago, just to see, she built her nest two days ago and had what I hope is not a peanut, little thing hadn't been fed yet and wasn't as warm as I'd like.
Still not impressed but she lives for now, not many decent breeders around or even within a days drive so everyone of my rabbits I think hard about before I cull.
A show I missed last year is coming around so I may be doing an overhaul but for now I can wait for the chance that Sass will figure things out, at least she has a live one now.
breed her back at one week post kindle, It will most likely get better receptivity, it won't hurt her or the singleton.

you can wean her offspring safely at four weeks of age (giving her a week off), or simply don't give her time off as ONE kit won't be straining her resources at all.

and don't be free-feeding her. She won't be needing ALL that extra food.

at the most give her half cup extra. once the kit hits 4 weeks then double her feed intake as long as the kit is still in with her.
I have a champagne Doe that is on her 4th litter.. She had 3 litters with the owner before me. He got fed up with her. So i bought her and now she is due today. So far she messed in her box. A big no no and not makeing any nest. She will go in a make a hole in the nest box. But that is it. So if she does this again. I think she will be freezer camp for sure.
I would breed her back within a day or so, they are most receptive right after kindling....
I have a chin doe that I had to force breed twice, both litters small for a Rex and nothing of quality, small thin boned babies. Hasn't let herself be red since June. I never liked her personality. I am thinking of culling her this week end. I only kept her because she is a chin, but now I have three chin replacements.