Normal Weights for kits on natural feed?

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Well-known member
May 29, 2012
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I'm hoping someone on here can give me a sense of what normal wt.s are for kits on natural feed, (grains, hay, and mineral salt)
I'm a little concerned about my 7 wk. olds that are on avg. 1.5 lbs.
I realize natural feeding gives slower wt. gain, but I just need to know if there is a problem with protein, sickness, etc.
It is really cold here, so I figure they'll naturally grow slower during the colder months.
Please give me any input you may have.
Grass mix hay (has a little bit of alfalfa in it) w/ lots of seedheads.
I can't give you weights, since I don't weigh mine. I'm pretty good at eyeballing when they are ready for butchering and it is usually at 14-16 weeks.

I think your feed may be too low in protein. I think grass hay is only around 8-10 per cent protein. Alfalfa is more like 16-18 per cent. Most grains (not corn) are around 10-12 per cent.
Do you have access to willow or poplar trees? Or mulberry? Feeding the leaves and twigs of these plants could boost protein levels. They are all about as high in protein as alfalfa hay.
We have willow trees around, but they are covered in 4 ft. of snow--but, I'll see what I can do. I had harvested some this fall, but my buns went through it quickly.
Along with that, I think I'll start sprouting at least the wheat as it boosts protein (to I think 15%).
I have 1/2 a bale of alfalfa, maybe they'll tolerate it ok if it's mixed with the grass hay.
I bought some alfalfa pellets awhile back, my does didn't care for it-but I don't remember them having trouble digesting it like they seem to with the alfalfa hay.
I could try adding that back into the feed, see how the babies do.
I think I'm going to plant a mulberry tree this spring, been looking at them in the catalog's, I guess there are some varieties that are only 6-8' tall and 1 variety that vines over an arbor, etc. I love edible landscaping!!!
I wish so too, I thought my does were handling it okay as I have been putting a small handful on top of their cages (this way the kits don't get very much if any). Both does and kits attack it any chance they get. Today went out and 1 doe had loose stool, no other changes recently. I'll be trying the pellets, maybe when I run out I can find a block of alfalfa.
She has been fine for a few days and all of a sudden not. They are kind of the same with fresh foods. I'll slowly introduce something and think they are ok with it, then they start having diarrhea/runny poops.