Normal behavior or shy buck?

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Active member
Dec 11, 2015
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Being new to rabbits I have no idea what normal breeding behavior is.

Doe one: was ready to breed, lifted immediately, one fall off. A couple minutes later she lets him know more would be acceptable by mounting him, he's clearly confused at this and it takes a few minutes for things to get sorted out. After some human intervention to ward off repeated attempts by the doe to mount him, he gets it together enough for another fall off.

Doe two: after a few days of clearly not being interested and letting him know it by a couple full body takedowns and the rabbit version of scruffing, i.e., grabbing him by the back of the neck with her fangs (looks painful!) the human factor finally realized it would be wise to check her before putting her in there. After a couple days of checking she appeared ready, first placement into his cage resulted in aggressive behavior but it seemed less genuine. Holding her in place allowed two mounts. Knowing that forced breedings are very minimally successful she was returned 3 hours later - immediate lift, no fight, ended the date after three fall offs.

Doe three: a grunting crank-pot that clearly needed some attitude adjustment :mrgreen:, first placement into the cage; lifted, really fast fall off, after a moment she mounts him just like doe one and he, again, seems pretty confused and spends a couple minutes sitting there with a dumb look on his face. More human intervention to keep her off him and he finally gets it figured out for two more mounts. Figured that was enough, had to drag that doe out of there! She had no intention of leaving his cage, guess she's a social one!

Is it normal for the doe to try and mount the buck? Is he shy/slow/lazy/just new? Any other thoughts or comments?
The doe mounting the buck is a show of dominance and will destroy a bucks confidence. Which will make him shy around does. Seeing as he's had his backside handed to him once already. I took a chomp to the hand saving my buck. You have to watch them and stop dominate behavior at once. When I place a doe in with the buck I don't even close the door. I stand in front of it as a block. Over time Cumin has regained his confidence but it has taken months. Now he's on them as soon as I put the doe in. :mrgreen: Even little Taco is chomping at the bit to get to the ladies. :mrgreen:

Check to make sure your doe is in the receptive color. People say rabbits don't have cycles but placing an unreceptive doe in with a shy buck will only make the situation worse.

Hope this helps,

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