Noob Questions, Nesting Early?

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In the first few days I check the nest at least once a day and about 4-5 times per day just look if everybody is in the nest and not dragged out. Then, if there is 8 our less kits I leave them to be, just checking a few times per week, but if there is more or a lot more, I check twice a day. Usually with such big litters there is at least one "runty" looking so I feed him separately (hold the momma in the lap) about twice a day untill he is not big as the others.
MamaSheepdog":2dt1sbfo said:
Welcome to RabbitTalk!


Thank you! :)

And thanks everyone for your answers! This forum is truly invaluable. Love getting everyone's opinions and learning from your experiences!

The babies are doing quite well! Mama has been a champ and the babes are still full-bellied, warm, and very wiggly! I have been checking on them 2-4 times a day. I have only been pulling them all out once a day just to make sure that everyone is being fed. Other than that I just check to make sure they are warm and in the nest.

Mama has not been over protective at all. No signs of aggression to me whatsoever. She is a super sweet girl and comes right to me for pets and treats now. I am really enjoying her and just love her personality!

I really couldn't be happier with my first experience so far. I am loving this. Going out to see the bunnies has been my favorite part of every day!

Not sure how to embed a vid or if I can but here is a link to a crappy iphone video of one of the wigglers today!

-- Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:28 pm --

Hi guys,
Got a little update video of Mama and babies. I believe there are gonna be 2 light gray color, and 4 brown(agouti?) color. I have been pulling them out and looking them over once a day. Yesterday, Mama couldn't wait for me to put them back in the nest and immediately hopped in there and fed them when I plopped them back in. She has been a great mom and has been especially great with me. I am thankful to have her for my first litter. Here is a couple clips of the cranky babies, mama feeding, and then full and quiet babies. :D

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