Non-venting thread! :D (or happy thread)

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Sounds great Caitlin :) I can't imagine having three jobs, I'd find it difficult to hop between workplaces..
I hope things keep working out for you! :)


I've been good today, biking 12km with both dogs. First Ceddie, she's an absolute sweetheart to have with you, just trots next to the bike and behaving wonderfully. At one spot some people had two loose dogs but I just told Ceddie ''heel'' and we could continue without any hazzle, even thouh the other dogs rushed forward and followed us a bit. Ceddie raised the scruff on her neck and glared at them but kept trotting where she should.
Then I took Kiro out as well.. he's more of a handfull. He stays heel for about 3 seconds then he's in front of the bike again. He doesn't pull (unless I tell him too, but because of his joints I can't let him..:/ he loves it though) but he just keeps going a bit faster than he should, he's so overlu excited all the time. When we came to the spot with the two loose dogs I told Kiro more sternly to stay heel, and slowed down a bit to be sure he listened. He did stay were he should - next to the bike and with the bike between him and the other dogs. (I keep a pulling harness on the dogs when I take them out like this, if something happens, they shoot forward or anything I don't want a leash on their necks, so he did good) But the owner of the other dogs didn't pay attention so they both ran up and charged at Kiro, at which point I stopped to keep some control. :mad: He didn't do anything bad though, nipped at them and held his ground but didn't go into a full fight or tangle up in the leash. Once the other owners got their dogs back we could continue. I'm proud of both the dogs, they did well :)

Aaaand.. my friends father have some old linoleum flooring I can get/buy cheap and use for my grow-out pens! :D
Zab, you look like a Viking Princess in your corset! :p

Zab":1n99tw18 said:
And I've worn high heeled shoes for the first time in my life.... what's wrong with me? :shock: I'm really the ''jeans and t-shirt'' kinda girl.. dressing up fr viking and pictures sure.. but now I feel.. womanly.. :O

I'm a jeans and cowboy boots kind of gal. It's been a long time since I wore heels and a dress. :? It sure does make you feel feminine and attractive, so maybe I should give it a try again to boost my estrogen levels! :lol:

Dood":1n99tw18 said:
I love your corset too, and the little lizard you placed in your hand reminded me of one if my favorite authors "Anne McCaffrey" and her Dragons of Pern novels.

That is a wonderful series of novels! My Sistah OAF and I are both big fans. I think you will really enjoy the books, Zab! I hope you can find them.

Zab":1n99tw18 said:
What good, random thing happens in your life?

A while back I saw an ad on CL for meat and show rabbits. When I viewed the ad, I was amazed by the pics of some absolutely stunning rabbits. They were Satins, which was my second choice breed after Rex when I decided to start raising rabbits for meat.

I contacted the lady, and it turns out she is very involved in showing and is a top breeder of a specific variety. :p I visited her rabbitry a couple of times, and since she is nearby (about 40 miles away), we are going to start carpooling to shows. :D

Yesterday she came up to help me evaluate my Rex. We went through all of my stock and decided on a show string and a brood string, and a multitude that are destined for freezer camp.

She also complimented me on my "pups"- said that she admired their independence and how they did their chores without being asked. She said that that was how she was raised, and that you just don't see that nowadays. The way to MamaSheepdog's heart is through her "pups"... so the compliment capped a wonderful and productive day!

Marinea":1n99tw18 said:
today is Friday...and that means pizza!!

We had pizza, too! My pups made it, homemade dough and all, and we shared it with my newfound friend who gave me so much help yesterday.

Birds Buns N Bees":1n99tw18 said:
Today is my last day at my current job (managing a 2-million-bird egg farm), and I am super happy about that! I'm going to go from working 60 hour weeks here (plus being on call 24/7) to 40 hour weeks at my new job in Minnesota, AND I'll be able to own my own birds again. I can't own birds here because of biosecurity concerns, and that has always been sad to me. I mean, the reason I work on a chicken farm is because I love birds!

Congrats on the new job and less hours! More time for family, your own birds, buns, and bees! :p

Marinea":1n99tw18 said:
My happies- almost done with cutting wood for the season (one farm job I do NOT like), fall garden is planted, Daphne is due to have kits in a few days

You are ahead of us! We still need to fell some dead trees (lots of oaks died this year due to lack of rain :( ) for firewood, and haven't started our fall planting. :oops:

Demamma":1n99tw18 said:
I was able to sleep 7 hours last night.

A good night's rest makes all the difference! :)

Heritage Homestead":1n99tw18 said:
My most exciting news of today is that I trimmed my rabbits nails and didn't get any scratches! :D


Pepperoni":1n99tw18 said:
My daughter had a fever last night but it's gone now and she seems much happier. Thank God for small miracles, eh?

Yes. Especially when it comes to our children. :)

Pepperoni":1n99tw18 said:
The first of three expected litters of buns was born yesterday! They're meat mutts but there are a couple reds which is very exciting because now I know that my new rex buck carries it.

Reds??? How lucky are you? :p

Pepperoni":1n99tw18 said:
It's my birthday next week :)

Happy post-dated birthday! :p

Pepperoni":1n99tw18 said:
I told my husband I want Rabbit Register software for my bday present.

You will love it! Useful gifts are my favorite. :D

Cattle Cait":1n99tw18 said:
I'm just flat out blessed over here.

Indeed you are! But you deserve it, and you work hard.

Now you'll have plenty of time to add a little Redneck to your Cityboy! :mrgreen:

Zab":1n99tw18 said:
I've been good today, biking 12km with both dogs.

That's great, Zab! I would love to "come back" as one of your pets. :)

Zab":1n99tw18 said:
Aaaand.. my friends father have some old linoleum flooring I can get/buy cheap and use for my grow-out pens! :D

NICE!!! Take THAT, cocci!!!
I'm with Zab, reading through this has put a smile on my face.

I am happy for each and every one of you, my "rabbit friends".
I am using a new computer that was just sitting around, that is a LOT faster than my old one. which is REALLY nice,
I got a new calender, my scorpion is still alive, I found out I loose 3 pounds after taking a shower, kinda silly things :/ :)

__________ Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:06 pm __________

oh! also...
Marshmellow is a year old now!!!
My "happy" of the week was that I got a new spindle. I spin wool (and assorted fibres) into yarn and a few weeks ago saw a lovely looking turkish spindle for sale so I bit the bullet and bought it... except it took longer than expected to get from Ohio to here.


I'm having a good time spinning with it and it's little things like this that bring a smile to my face.
My friend got her paintings today and put them up on her wall. I'm glad she liked them :)


And I got enough linoleum to cover the floor in one of my grow-out pens :) For free!
Great thread.....So many happy things!
This is the first month i've felt this calm in a long while! I feel like i can enjoy our life in an easier way. Feel more confident, comfortable, and content with myself and others.
A few good things that have happened...
Friends giving us wonderful garden veggies,
traded two geese for two robust turkeys,
nice fall weather,
freezer is getting full,
livestock happy and healthy,
warm wood stove at night,
hunting season around the bend,
paid off and cancelled a credit card....boosh!
kids doing well,
happy with the progress i've been making with my rabbits,
planted a strawberry patch and it did great,
made pickles and they don't taste like arse,
got an older but great big rototiller for free so finally can put in a garden,
met some cool farmers that we really enjoy chatting up,
got two adorable Sugar Gliders (have wanted one since i was a teen),
my jeep will be paid off in entirety this month,
works been busy for hubby,
i've been baking up a storm.
There is so much more! Lots of everyday little things that add up. Everything is coming together and we're looking forward to a pleasant fall and snuggly winter. Just doing our own thing and enjoying that freedom!
Oooh, sugar gliders! :D They're adorable!


I feel I deserve some kind of skill point now! Went out in the dark, fumbled my way to the rabbit pens, managed to catch ad pick the right black rabbit (of three) in the dark, without as much as a headlight (had to listen for which way they jumped) and bring it inside,... in less than 5 minutes. I'm surprised. But now the kits are fed for the night :)

__________ Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:11 am __________

I have so much studying to do... November 8 I'll get a huge written test on the entire course. Which means I need to know ''everything'' between 7000bce to 1500ce in Scandinavia, europe, africa, india and china, what kind of people lived where, fought who, traded with what, moved where and what religion was common. This is just the small part, the main part is focused on didactics (in sweden, norway and denmark) and being critical to sources. And to remember that all history is just constructions and we know nothing anyay.. On the test we'll get 3 questions, each should be answered on less than 4 pages and we have 6 hours to go. This is my first ever test like this, in the other courses we'd had to write papers and articles at home.. Now I need to actually remember stuff!
And my litterature is in both swedish, english, norwegian and danish..

I almost wish ''history'' turned back to just be about old dusty swedish kings.. xD

But I'll manage. I'm surprisingly un-stressed about it.. It's either because I'm fairly good with words and can turn the answers to cover my strengths.. or I'm underestimating the difficulties. I'm not quite sure what I should point at to example changes and continuity.. agriculture is quite unchanged throughout most of written history, except the past few hundred years...hmm..

Anyway. A friend and I consider to start training some martial art. Just for excercise and fun.. I did like the month of Kempo I had in Svalöv. But we may wait untill next year and start a fresh semester. :)

And I've begun counting calories again.. I stopped with sweets, ate smaller portions and still gained weight! So now I'm just super-strict on what I eat. Or not, but I count the calories and eat foods that's high in nutrition but low in starches and sugars. I get at least 75 grams of protein per day, but stay at 1000-1400kcal.. most energy comes from fat and protein, most food I eat is veggies like leafy greens, tomatoes, coccumber, carrots etc. And then eggs, tuna, meat and some mayo and butter. Fits with my beliefs on good fats and nutrtion at least :lol: Yesterday I did buy some meal replacements becuse they're easy.But I still eat mostly real foods.. like tacos without the shells yesterday and tomato soup, sallads etc :)
And it seems to work, went from 80kg last weekend to 77kg today :) Most is of course water weight and stuff, but I'm happy it's not going the wrong way! :lol:

Uhm... oh.. I have slight hopes that Kummin and Rams are going to get kits :D Too early for me to really tell but I think she feels a bit preggers... He just had one fall-off though..

__________ Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:35 am __________

Now I'm tired.. but happy. :)
Both the outdoor pens has wooden floors now, spent all day building it. So just one more sanitation of the pens and they're both good to go.. which is good as I have 4 kits and I suspect more than one to be a buck. Kori always throws bucks..The sanitising shouldn't take more than a couple of hours. And I do like the floors, sturdy and nice, and raised from the ground slightly so they're legal for winter use *lol* But also I don't have to worry about mud or anything at all :)

In the larger pen I think I'll use the linoleum carpet, but it won't cover all so part will be wood like the other. I'll be careful with how I use it, so rain-water will escape without wetting all of the bedding (part of the roof are open/wire). Maybe I could use sand as bedding in that part? Or line with bricks or stones or something, and just not have regular bedding. Hmm.. Anyway, an exit for rainwater is a must. But that will bother my mind when it's time to build it :) Fr now, I really should get on with the studying. And eat something.

And this post needs a picture. From the colony :) I made a bush by sticking willow branches in a piece of wood with holes in it :p
<br /><br />__________ Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:00 pm __________<br /><br />I've made myself a birthday cake! :D I'm proud!
It's a lemon and vanilla cake and I've made everything from scratch :lol:

I couldn't find any shelf with decoration things or anything... so I added some Jiaogulan leaves to it. :) Also known as immortality herb.. so I'll live forever now, right? :p

Your corset looks awesome! Me personally, I've spent all summer having leather armor made for re-faires and cosplay events, but I'd like to own a corset someday too:)
Aww.. you should show your armour though :)


I've painted a picture. Because... do I need a reason? :lol: It's a rabbit in it, so I'll post it :D

I suppose the guy in the picture is me. Or who I'd wish to be.. not necessarily a man, but for some reason this particular identity always portrait himself as a tall, slender guy with long hair. Sometimes long hair with braided silver-bits in it..
Anyway. He's gentle, easy going, cheerful, kind, generous and thoughtful. Rich - but only in order to be able to be generous, although his gifts are not necessarily monetarily valuable. He knows to take a step back to let other shine, and he knows when to take command to get things done, and what to do.
He is a picture of who I wish I were, of me without my flaws, melancholia, mood swings, tiredness, suspiciousness, distrust, cold manipulation and other bad traits. I suppose he's the perfect me. Not to mention imaginary! :lol:

He's a character or ''identity'' that's been with me for a long time. He's me in my daydreams and with me in my nightmares as well. It's just recently he got a rabbit for a companion though, one suspiciously similiar to Sir Petalot :roll:


He's more handsome in my dreams.. stupid limitations :lol:

Yeah, I mentioned he'd but One of my identities and characters? I have lots of others.. I guess I have one for each situation I'm in, and one that's just genuinly evil. The one my mother paints a picture of whenever she's upset with me, and who's locked up somewhere inside me as well.
Then we have the mischievous street child, thieving and thriving but not without humor and some sort of compassion. And we have the emo/drama queen that blows everything out of proportion and makes herself a victim. We have the tough girl, dressed with spikes and leather and shrugging everything off with a grin. She's disappearing more and more though. The trapped guy. And many more.
And somewhere among all of them, is the real me. I suppose a mix, changing and floating among them all. Showing more of one character in one sitiation, and another in the next, but always a mix.

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