No pellet feeding large scale

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I do feed them dry bread but only for the ones needing it.
Young ones and females.
Yesterday I feed all of them some avocado young branches and they eat it.
Andrei, your hit or miss approach to feeding your rabbits worries me. Many plants, including avocado, are toxic and prolonged feeding of such may damage or kill your rabbits. Please do not suggest feeding species of plants that you have not researched.

Toxicity to animals

Avocado leaves, bark, skin, or pit are documented to be harmful to animals; cats, dogs, cattle, goats, rabbits,[48] rats, guinea pigs, birds, fish, and horses[25][49] can be severely harmed or even killed when they consume them. The avocado fruit is poisonous to some birds, and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) lists it as toxic to many animals including cats, dogs, and horses.[50]

Avocado leaves contain a toxic fatty acid derivative, persin, which in sufficient quantity can cause colic in horses and, without veterinary treatment, death.[51] The symptoms include gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting, diarrhoea, respiratory distress, congestion, fluid accumulation around the tissues of the heart, and even death. Birds also seem to be particularly sensitive to this toxic compound. Feeding avocados or guacamole to an animal should be avoided completely.
Very interesting the info and I thank you.
But avocado leaves tea is good for diabetics.
My dog goes nuts for avocado peels.
The fact that an animal enjoys a certain food does not mean it is good for it. And using a plant medicinally in regulated doses is different from using it as a food. I truly hope your animals do not suffer from how you feed them, but I cannot agree with your approach.
Andrei":2j7gsgig said:
I like the Natural approach.

So do I. I haven't fed pellets in years. But it is not safe or sensible to feed any and all plants to your rabbits and expect them to do well on them. Please take the time to do your research.

We are seriously off-topic here. Let's get back to the original question.
Andrei":3kw1klwh said:
I like the Natural approach.

Yep, me too. But, I won't be drinking hemlock anytime soon.

A true natural approach is to feed a species appropriate diet that provides both the macro and micro nutrients they require for optimal health. While I certainly want to keep costs down (I'm not rich by any means), I don't do that at the expense of the health of my animals.
100% agree with you and if one takes the times and observes the animals know what is good and what is bad.
They can teach us a lot.
I dont think I did feed any grain. Once I realized it wasnt working I added pellets back in to the diet. This was several years back.

I found the fodder growing thread yesterday and have been reading it with interest. I just finished page 22. Whew!

I just so happened to have a 50# bag of barley from the mill from earlier this spring, so I have some soaking in an ice cream bucket on the counter as we speak. I'll find something to pour them into tonight. This I can do!
lonelyfarmgirl":tat9mgw4 said:
I dont think I did feed any grain. Once I realized it wasnt working I added pellets back in to the diet. This was several years back.

:yeahthat: :goodpost: :yeahthat:
SatinsRule":30mocrdf said:
lonelyfarmgirl":30mocrdf said:
I dont think I did feed any grain. Once I realized it wasnt working I added pellets back in to the diet. This was several years back.

:yeahthat: :goodpost: :yeahthat:

Huh? There is nothing wrong with feeding pellets if that is your preference, but hundreds of years of rabbit raising indicate that it is not the only answer. As late as World War II, pellets just were not available. People fed hay, grain and fresh greens and root crops, the same as natural feeders do now. It's all a matter of preference. :)
MaggieJ":1nat7c72 said:
SatinsRule":1nat7c72 said:
lonelyfarmgirl":1nat7c72 said:
I dont think I did feed any grain. Once I realized it wasnt working I added pellets back in to the diet. This was several years back.

:yeahthat: :goodpost: :yeahthat:

Huh? There is nothing wrong with feeding pellets if that is your preference, but hundreds of years of rabbit raising indicate that it is not the only answer. As late as World War II, pellets just were not available. People fed hay, grain and fresh greens and root crops, the same as natural feeders do now. It's all a matter of preference. :)

Who said it's the only answer? Not me. I was just glad to see someone else post up results similar to the ones I had.