New-to-me rabbit is a 28 day'er+new momma kits

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Well-known member
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Dec 21, 2009
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South Central Wisconsin
So. I found out that my lovely French doe is a 28day kindle. yup. She had them this morning. She's the one that's been nesting for 2 weeks. HUGE pile of crunched hay in the tub, and now an even bigger pile of angora fur. The only reason I know there are kits in there is that the pile MOVES.

So far I haven't been able to get in to see them. Every time I come near she jumps into the tub. I'm afraid she'll crush them one time, so I'm just going to hope for the best. Doesn't look like there are a LOT of babies....maybe 3 or 4...but even tho they're in an unheated porch, they're going to be warm under all that fur.
Well....I got curious. And she wasn't at nervous as when I was in there I checked. Doe ground her teeth at me and when I was done immediately went in and checked them over...but I got a count! 6 SIX!!! fat wriggly long angora babies. 3 white (like daddy) and 3...something else. dark skin, but don't look black, so I'm assuming atm that they're chocolate like Mom. :bananadance2:

whooopppeee!!! and no extra ewwwwieness anywhere. No liquid at all, in fact. Everyone dry and snuggly. A touch of what was probably afterbirth in the center of the box, but she'd moved the kits over to a corner (smart momma) where there was a ton of hay and fur. I may put a heater out there under the cage area, just 'cuz I can. Warm today and next couple of days, but nights are still around sense taking chances.
It's been hard going forward..I know you, Shara, have had many problems with the rabbits lately, too. We lost Mama-san's litter a year ago, then lost clones first litter. Then the American Doe got bred by accident by a Beveren and delivered a surprise litter, losing 6 of them in the process because I didn't know she needed a nestbox. :( But now...maybe...FINGERS CROSSED!! (at least the doe didn't bite my finger OFF when she went for my hand earlier. :lol: )
Wow, that IS a lot of rabbit deaths in a year. Seems like last year was a bad year for them, eh? Well, the year of the rabbit is official now, and hopefully it'll give us all some good luck! lol, last year was the year of the tiger....not a very rabbit-freindly year, eh? I know I got a total of two live litters last year.
and now, one of my other angoras, FatLittleBunny's Granddaughter, has kindled!! :bananadance2:

ELEVEN! yes, 11 popples. All white (she's a black himmy, the buck is REW French Angora), well, PINK actually. All alive so far. This is the doe that made a nest 2 weeks ago, and then the other does ATE it. so after 2 nests she kind of gave up on it. Yesterday she was running around like a normal rabbit. Jumping up on the nestbox, romping around with her sister and mom. Then this morning...11 fairly rotund babies. There is one that's smaller, but goodness the others are quite large. I can't figure out where she was hiding them because I picked her up to feel around..and she was ..hmmm....solid, I guess the word would be, but sure not lumpy. :x

Anyway. She made a HUGE nest of hay and ALL of her belly fur. She's positively nekkid! (FLB does that, too)

Pictures tomorrow after everything settles down. Now we're waiting to see if Caroline and Gladiola (Americans) kindles in the next few days. Nobody is showing any interest in the nest boxes, although Gladiola looks like a big pile of LUMPS when she lays down.