new rabbit w/ soft poo

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
South Mississippi
should I be concerned that one of my does has soft poo? Went out to feed the rabbits at 4pm. One rabbit has soft poo. There was only 1 pile of about 6 berries, much smaller than her regular poo. they were very soft and stuck together. I dont have the same pellets she was previously eating but I have been offering kitchen oatmeal and grass with the pellets I have. She has also been introduced to radish tops and kale in small amounts.
How much water should they be drinking a day? Its been average temp of 50 if that helps any. All 4 of them seem to not be drinking much tho. maybe I just think they should drink more than they should.
Are you sure they aren't cecal pellets? Sometimes rabbits have more than they need so they just leave them like poop. I had one doe who never ate her cecal pellets, freaked me out at first. ;)
I think Kyle is right, and it is a cecal pellet. If you see normal sized poop that is soft, then I would worry.
Just check. Could be just a one time occurrence. Had a scare with one of the kits the other day. Decided to clean crates in the morning. But after putting the kits back into their crate after cleaning, looked in and saw soft poop. Never saw any before, because they are good to clean up cecal. (Mom taught them well). Been watching ever since and haven't seen any since.
