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Very nice. I sure do like the looks of Sylvester! Thanks for sharing!
I am going to be selling him as soon as i get a buck to replace him. i am just waiting to see how brady does on the breedings with all these does
Nice bunnies you have :)
But if i could give my humble opinion, so i would change the banner
The cross gives you the impression of a graveyard or where the bunnies dont leave alive
Just thinking like a new client would think
I hope you dont take offense, its just my 2 cents ;)
i would change the banner
The cross gives you the impression of a graveyard or where the bunnies dont leave alive

I agree but for a different reason....while the cross might be for should remember you made the site for all people to look at.. myself as soon as i opened your site and seen the cross I close the site ..far enought for me....
but thats just my feelings.. way to controversial...and not for everyone..
I personally LIKE the banner...and thats just me. But when I saw it, I thought, ooohh, How nice!

Thought I'd say what I thought about it. :)
CritterCatcher":isikdp7y said:
i would change the banner
The cross gives you the impression of a graveyard or where the bunnies dont leave alive

I agree but for a different reason....while the cross might be for should remember you made the site for all people to look at.. myself as soon as i opened your site and seen the cross I close the site ..far enought for me....
but thats just my feelings.. way to controversial...and not for everyone..
i will mul on this for a little bit. The banner however is not because of my christianity. That was the picture that spoke to me when I saw going through the pictures and thinking on the name nothing spoke to me. I listen to the pictures so for now it will probably stay until something else speaks to me on it. But i thank you for this bit of advice i had not thought on that yet of people opening it up and seeing that leaving.<br /><br />__________ Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:00 am __________<br /><br />do you mind if i facebook your comment? i would like some more ideas on this and to see what all i can come up with that speaks to me but doesnt offend the other people i want to sell to eventually
I think the banner is striking... but not a good choice for your website. When I saw it I was very glad you had not chosen the name Autumn Angels. The picture is chilling and eerie... It has its own beauty, but it is not a banner that helps with advertising your rabbits or giving an idea about what Whispering Winds Rabbitry is all about. Just my two cents worth, while the topic is under discussion.
sure you can use all means...
I dont want you to take it the wrong way...just wanted you to see a different view...
No not offended grateful i am looking at my pics now to redo it<br /><br />__________ Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:49 pm __________<br /><br />ok look again!! it is a picture i took last month
I never saw your original one, but I like the one you have up there now!

Nice site, and very nice rabbits. :)

It might be good to enlarge the size of the print a little, and possibly change it to a more computer monitor-friendly font like Verdana, in order to make it a little easier on the eyes for reading. I like light print on dark backgrounds, but I found this one a little difficult.