New Mom... :) Back to normal!

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Aug 18, 2016
Reaction score
Amherstburg, Ontario
My Beautiful show doe Kiki finally kindled a really nice litter of 6 kits.
She was starting to get overweight, so I was really concerned she would never have kits.

She was a bit off day 1.... but I understand it, most moms are "off" the day they give birth.
She kindled June 25th... yesterday she got the "super food" top up that tames the protective moms and makes moms gobble their food...
This morning, super food is still there?!?!?! a little was nibbled, but not what I usually see with my does! (gobbled until gone)

Her kits have been fed, she is eating hay well and the water is getting drank.

She isn't acting off today, except for being a bit skittish when I made an attempt to pick her up.
(being a new mom.. I can see that being an issue)

I am going to do a full body checkover when I have more time tonight after work.

Am I being paranoid? Any advice?

Kiki X Eric.png
Better to notice these things and keep watch than to assume all is well and then have to face a big problem.

She is eating hay and drinking water, but not the supplement the other does gobble down after kindling. Is she eating her regular ration that she would get without the superfoods, or pretty much only hay? Is she pooping normally? Any sign of pain such as hunched posture or grinding teeth?

I don't know what your superfood supplement consists of, but you could try her with some fresh greens--plantain, or raspberry/blackberry/strawberry leaves are all good. Maybe some dandelion or prickly lettuce too.

When you check her over, be sure to double check vent and teats. Make sure there is no unusual discharge or odour.

I hope that by the time you read this (sorry I didn't get to it sooner) that she is gobbling down everything in sight and looking for more.
:clover: :clover: :clover:
Thanks Maggie.... my superfood is boss, rolled oats and calf mama..
She Did not want to be picked up.... vent - ok... ****s - ok... kits - all fed! No Hunching or Teeth grinding ... didn't think To check poops.... will in the morning... hay- gone .... lol

I will empty her "j" feeder in the morning and try some plane regular feed ...
My moms will sometimes do this. If it is for only a day or two I wouldn't worry too much. I have noticed when they don't eat for a couple days they will usually make up for it by eating a ton for a couple days once they start eating again.
Thanks Maggie and Amber!!
She had polished off her "J" feeder and hay overnight. (I chores in the morning.... and sometimes check up on the way home from work)

She is acting back to normal and the kits are all fat and healthy looking!

I have never had a doe do this, but with only 2 years under my belt (raising rabbits) I am happy to learn something new!