New meat girls!

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2013
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Alberta Canada
I finally found some purebred cali's up here! I picked up these 2 does, they are 10 weeks old, the bigger one is 4lbs 10oz and the smaller is 4lbs 2oz. No names yet but that will come :)
Nice looking rabbits!

Was it hard to find them in Alberta? I've been finding it surprisingly hard to find local NZW breeding stock in Ontario.
Yep they are hard to find up here. I saw an add on kijiji called right away :) I paid $20 each, so awesome deal! I know a breeder with NZW here but I wanted the cali's :)
Beautiful bunnies! Love the dark markings... right now, my Calis are trying their best to look like NZWs. I'll be so glad when it gets cool and they get their markings back. :D
3mina, there are cali's in Alberta just not close to me. It was a 20 minute drive from my house to pick these up ;) They feel like meat and the big one is almost 5lbs already! I got to see all their rabbits and they all looked like meat machines. I'll breed them to my cali x buck this spring.
Perfect :D
Sorry, Wyldrose, I keep forgetting you're farther north than me.

Those girls certainly look the part & the size is there too.
Congratulations on the nice looking bunnies Wyldrose! May they bring you lots and lots of bunnies! :)
Poor girls are so scared, I put them in the front yard pen for some grass so I could clean their cage.
"Do you think she's gonna eat us?"

Sweety bell( my daughter named her)

Pumpkin pie

Going to have to spend some time with them to tame them. They are not aggressive just jumpy.
They are lovely and so dark. What's the temps like up there? Were they kept inside.? I have three himis, and there's hardly a dark smudge on any of them now.