New Kids on the block!

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2012
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I have twins! One boy, one girl, out of one of my twin does. I was sure that Annie was due after Oakley, but Annie went first. I got to be there for the second one's arrival. Mama is a first freshener but you'd never know it as she's an expert parent to these two. Aren't they adorable? Just under four pounds each. The tan one is a girl I named Della Rose and the black one a buckling, Bat Masterson! I'm so enthralled by these little ones. I've never had a baby goat around before and had no idea they were so darned adorable and entertaining from the very start.
Way too cute <3 I want one to keep the back yard mowed but I think my neigbors wouldn't be thrilled about that! Oh well I plan to make a mobile pen so the rabbits can do some trimming ;)
Thanks a lot :angry: ... I just got rid of all of my goats, and now I want more! :lol:

That little buckling is WAY too cute. The doe is adorable too, but I want, want, WANT that little buck! :p


Have fun with them, and good luck with the next doe!
My kids are growing, by leaps and bounds and frisks and frolics. I thought I'd share an updated pic of Bat and Della Rose the first day they got to go outside and play. They loved it but poor Mama Annie was a nervous nanny trying to keep track of them!

They are just precious! Pictures like those are why I can't wait to get set up for goats.
Wow, was it an eventful day! Chloe had 8 baby rabbits.. 7 lived.

And when I raced to the barn after work, I heard the tiniest bleat ever and found the tiniest goat ever, just born! Hopalong Cassidy weighs maybe 2 pounds. He's a wee one! I made sure he was okay and raced from the stall to go grab my camera....on the way I peeked in on my others and there was Oakley, in full labor! They're all coming at once! She had two beautiful big babies, Pearl and Wyatt, who at 2 hours old were romping around, batting each other, skipping up to me, and in general acting and looking like they were already a week old! Of course, Bat and Della Rose had to come check out their new cousins. Now my little goats look huge after spending the evening with tiny Hop. His Momma is not a very good Momma. I have to hold her to let him eat so I'm busy, busy, busy running back and forth to the barn to check on him and make sure he's getting fed. Too late to run for milk replacement tonight and he needs the colostrum more than most. Did I mention he's TINY?

I made him a sweater from a flannel jammy sleeve and it's WAY too big but I doubled it over and it is working. I have a heat lamp in the stall too.

Want to see them all? They're all Pygmy Nigerian Dwarf cross.

Tiny Hop

Pearl and Wyatt, 2 hours old and running all over the place!

Wyatt is solid black..not a speck of white on him.

Pearl, 3 hours old, beating up her brother to get to the milk bar!<br /><br />__________ Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:24 pm __________<br /><br />Oh and here's one of tiny Hop without his blanky sweater.
Oh my goodness, they are absolutely adorable!


Let me just reiterate:

MamaSheepdog":1yjyipzx said:
Thanks a lot :angry: ... I just got rid of all of my goats, and now I want more!

ColdBrook":1yjyipzx said:
And when I raced to the barn after work, I heard the tiniest bleat ever and found the tiniest goat ever, just born! I made sure he was okay and raced from the stall to go grab my camera....on the way I peeked in on my others and there was Oakley, in full labor!

I had two does kid the same day in 2011! It was really neat, because they both did so during the day, and we saw all 4 births! :p

I think that if does are bred within a few days of one another, the pheromones flying around from one doe kidding stimulates the other(s) to do so as well.

ColdBrook":1yjyipzx said:
I made him a sweater from a flannel jammy sleeve and it's WAY too big but I doubled it over and it is working.

Commandeer one of your husband's socks (wool would be ideal if he wont kill you for chopping holes in his favorite hunting socks) and make him a sweater out of that. Cut part of the toe off for the little goatling's head and two holes for his front legs, and you are good to go! You can roll the end and fasten with safety pins to customize the size so the little guy wont pee on it.
Wow, are they adorable! Congrats.

If I was closer, I would volunteer a PACK of socks to keep that little one warm. He is too precious.
I just thought I'd share a new picture of little Hopalong Cassidy. He's doing so well! His Momma has finally realized he's utterly adorable and worth feeding so he's nursing well, and maybe growing just a tiny little bit, but he's active as can be.

Oh my, is he getting cuter or what!

And those daffodils make him look so tiny. He is precious.
I love his little pajamas! Too cute. :)

I bet the big goats aren't allowed near the daffodils. :roll: